I was looking forward to this film. An ex-girlfriend was one of the Executive Producer, so I was hoping it was going to be a hit. I mean, it had the right story, the emotion and lots of facts to make an inspirational movie. You know what, it was just tough to watch. Maybe it was the 'over-acting' - what Kate Mara was doing in the movie, I have no idea. I think every scene she was in there were crocodile tears and her performance lacked any realism (only to find out later that her character wasn't real but there to represent relationships).

There were some terrific actors in the film Ian McShane, David Strathairn and super hot January Jones. The film just sort of missed the mark. I never got a good feel about the team that had to play that year. From what I've read about what happened, the football team that played the year after the accident were extremely tight and lifelong friendships developed. All we got from the movie was a montage with Black Sabbath playing along.

Oh well - I guess I should be surprised. If there is one place in the world where a great story can be screwed up, it's Hollywood.


Well considering that the town of Huntington cooperated with the filming of this movie and loved it, your opinion means nada. I thought it was a very good film. It breaks my heart when Nate Ruffin feels he has to carry the team. One does get the feel from Lengyl of the enormous task he's undertaking. I really feel for Dedmon who had to go up against bureaucratic nonsense in order to get a new team together. I bought the film for the very fact it was very well done and very well cast. It was right up there with "Brian's Song".

"Sometimes my ruminations are too confusing for someone not inside my head." -Anon


Thank You


You're welcome.

"Sometimes my ruminations are too confusing for someone not inside my head." -Anon


That's like saying that anyone who LIKED IT outside of that town should lose their opinion's validity.

I dug the movie. Too much crying for my taste. . . but I suppose it's understandable. . .

I wish Jimmy Dugan's saying applied to football.


Most-recent viewings
- Boogeyman 3 - 3.5/10
- Eagle Eye - 7.5/10


Being a movie buff, I thought this film was very well done. You have to remember this is based on a true story. Besides, I was a freshman in college when this happened while I was at Morehead State University and remember the pain we all felt because Marshall was our out-of-state rival at the time. They clobbered us in 1970. After the plane crash the following Wednesday, we were at a basketball game and observed a minute of silence after which MSU football helmets were passed around the gym and the student body put money in for the families of the Marshall players.


That was wonderful. I twirled in the late 80's/early 90's. I remember playing Moerhead @ Fairfield- I loved it. It was a great rivalry. I was fortunate enough to get to perform at both Fairfield and the Joan. Don't get me wrong, I love that we're 1A and have a beautiful newer state of the art stadium and it was a blast to perform there, but there was just something special about Fairfield- it's still my favorite.




I really wanted and expected to love this movie but it definitely fell short all around. The movie really failed to inspire me which is pretty sad considering how powerful the subject matter is.

Smart went crazy... where did you go?
