MovieChat Forums > Stuck (2009) Discussion > Wow 10 minutes cut is this true??

Wow 10 minutes cut is this true??

I am reading that the theatrical release of stuck is 85 minutes and the festival cut was 94 minutes did they really cut that much gore out of it?? I hope this is not edited like the french horror film Inside was I luckily saw the NC-17 cut, but heard the R rated one was 8 minutes less and only cut out the gore.

I heard this was really gorey now the R rating explanation does not say anything about gore?? Should I wait for the unrated DVD or see it in theaters,anybody know what the differences are??


Absolutely exact same version.


Yeap, unfortunately, it is true. The version I saw at the Philadelphia Film Festival was 94 minutes and unrated. The US DVD has been edited down by about 10 minutes to secure an R rating. I've been trying to find out the running time of the R1 Canadian DVD put out by Paradox to see if its uncut or rated. If anyone knows, please let me know.

I haven't had the heart to watch the rated DVD yet, but I'd assume most of the edits are for violence/gore, sex & drug content. Very unfortunate, since the version I saw was tight & full of black humour. I'm sure the edits really hurt the pacing & overall impact of the film.


Most likely, the majority of cuts are shots of Stephen Rea's condition, ie: pulling himself off the windshield wiper, the dog pulling at the compound fracture sticking out of his leg, edits to Mena hitting him with the board, the murder of her lover, etc. I'm sure all of thats been edited down severely. I wouldn't be surprised if they toned down the sex scene and the ecstasy usage too.


