Question about song lyric

In the song "Don't Write Me Off", the somg that Alex sings at the Cora concert to try and win back Sophie, what's the significance of the line "since Frankie said relax"? Or is there no significance?


It has to do with the group Frankie Goes To Hollywood, who sang the song "Relax", written in 1983.

I honestly thought everyone knew this song, it's a common enough social reference.


Thanks for your reply. Yeah I know the song. Just didn't put two and two together. I live in a small town and I'm a 90s baby so I was never privy to the reference, but I know the song. Great hit!!


FGTH are mentioned as part of the Battle of the 80s Has-Beens show so there's also a connection there


I have to say his song was a bit rubbish compared to the song they wrote together- but I suppose he did say he wasn't a good song writer.


It was rubbish, but I think that's what made it likable. It was more him.
