Chronology confusion?

Id seen the doc then this....

is this the right chronology

the money ran out........ the women went into denial that there were no servants around to keep things up

then the health department took out all the cats

news media stories about jackies relatives living in squalor

then Jacke O gave them some money to fix up the house

then the women let it slide again

THEN The Maysles came to film...- and had to wear flea collars?

have I got it right?



where did they film it?

did they go to the real house and re-mess it up?

build a big house set?

find a lookalike house?


the DVD commentary answered my questions

they built a fake exterior house
inside sets

and I think a CGI flyover


I don't remember them claiming there were servants when there weren't any.

Why do you think they were in denial about the lack of servants?


The Beales had plenty of servants when Mr. Beale was living there.

...Grace beats Karma
