MovieChat Forums > Grey Gardens (2009) Discussion > Lange's/Edith's singing in the 1930s sce...

Lange's/Edith's singing in the 1930s scenes

Jessica Lange portrayed Patsy Cline on film in 1985 so we know she has (or had) a decent voice. I was surprised then to hear her singing so lousily as Big Edie during the 1930s' segments (I'm not talking about her in old age in the 1970s). Her voice was very weak, and uninspiring (although certainly her attempt at showmanship was game). Only Gould had a decent voice.

So my question is, was Lange portraying Edie's singing voice accurately (i.e., she was a wannabe of very slim vocal talents, a has-been, who mainly liked to be center stage with her accompanist in the midst of her coterie)?

Or, do you think Edie's voice in the 1930s was maybe better/stronger than that and Jessica Lange simply couldn't pull it off at her age?

By the way, I know that Big Edie was never a professional singer. But her singing during those 1930s' scenes wasn't even good enough for charming get-togethers in my opinion.

EDIT: The following thread seems to have answered my question already:


"By the way, I know that Big Edie was never a professional singer. But her singing during those 1930s' scenes wasn't even good enough for charming get-togethers in my opinion."

big edie had thsoe get togethers so she could get attention. i don't think she was ever as good as she thought she was.

she so monopolized family gatherings with her parents and siblings, that she stopped being invited to any kind of holiday or celebration. she had to have center stage, no one could talk or visit and i doubt it was any different at her own parties. there was never enough attention to satisfy her.


She was evidently at least at one point a [very] good singer -- read the thread I linked.


I enjoyed Jessica's singing as Big Edie in the Thirties. She was enjoying herself immensely although, as Lilypad points out, that must have been hard to endure as a guest of the real Edie if she monopolized the party.

What is it about people who have that need to be the center of attention? My father was like that and it made bringing friends to my house unendurable. I can understand the desire to be liked and admired; I desire those things myself but what is it about a person when they can't or won't notice that other people are bored or embarrassed?

BTW, I am pretty sure Jessica Lange only lip-synched the Patsy Cline songs in Sweet Dreams. She could pass for Big Edie but nobody but Patsy Cline could belt like Patsy Cline.


Oh, yeah, maybe you're right about the Patsy Cline movie ... it was a long time ago and I couldn't remember.


"She was enjoying herself immensely although, as Lilypad points out, that must have been hard to endure as a guest of the real Edie if she monopolized the party."

actually, john davis, big edie's nephew, wrote that of her in his book about the bouvier family.


Thanks for the book title. I think I will check it out.


it's a very interesting book, he died recently but he told many good stories.


I'm married to someone like that. He gets offended when reminded other people would like attention. narcissist.


"Jessica Lange portrayed Patsy Cline on film in 1985 so we know she has (or had) a decent voice."

Lange lip-synced her songs in "Sweet Dreams". That was Patsy Cline you were hearing.


Oh OK thanks, I haven't seen the film since it opened.


I remember my cousin remarking on how well Jessica lip-synced (better than Madonna!) but I did look it up to make certain he was correct.


O agree she was not an amazing singer, but it was adequate enough for the party scenes...Im sure edie had been drinking, so not on the top of her game, but the gould played when he left was jessica singing and it sounded just like the real big edie. The high trill and everything. I was quite impressed.


Big Edie did sound very good on the record her and Gould made. Also Jessica Lange did not do her own singing in the Patsy Cline film. I love Jessica Lange don't take this as a put down...just fact.
Sissy Spacek did her own singing in Coal Miners daughter and sounded just like Loretta Lynn. So much so Loretta hand picked her for that and many other reasons.
Lange and Spacek went on to do a film together CRIMES OF THE HEART.

...Grace beats Karma
