MovieChat Forums > Wild at Heart (2023) Discussion > lion attack. (spoilers).

lion attack. (spoilers).

Why did the lion attack du plessis and danny? It knew them both, never bothered them, then for no reason, attacks both of them. Then when danny sees him again, it doesn't bother him.


Well, a simplistic reply that has nothing to do with actual knowledge of lions, is that Hobie was angry with Danny and Du Plessis for trying to replace him with another rogue male who would cover the females in his pride. Perhaps fighting off that other male (which, if you remember, he vanquished) stirred up so much aggression in him that he spilled the extra on to these humans, that really he knew very well. Remember how docile he was with the inspector whom he hadn't seen for years. Maybe fighting for his place in the pride stirred up all that male aggression. Perhaps by the time he sees Danny again, the testosterone or whatever had gone back to normal levels. Or he couldn't smell the fear on Danny this time.

What I found amazing was the little damage he actually managed to inflict on two defenseless humans.



Thanks for the reply, that's probably it. I don't think he wanted to kill them, though. If a lion really wanted to kill you, it would.


Very good point. Maybe Hobie just wanted to teach the two of them a lesson. "Try and replace me, huh?! I'll show you!"

Of course, Danny and Du Plessis are still left with their original problem: why aren't the lionesses conceiving? Maybe they'll address it next season, but more likely we're just supposed to forget about it. Unless the replacement lion was able to get some females covered before Hobie drove him out.

