American Version

Anybody know anything about the upcoming American version of this series?


Yup, it's going to star Paris Hilton as a rich socisalite who gets seperated from the rest of her group during a safari. Lost in the wilderness, she hates the smelly animals, the biting insects and the primitive tribesman. But gradually, over the course of 90 minutes of hilarious slapstick comedy in a fish out of water mould, she undergoes a character transformation that sees her grow to love this exotic paradise and see beyond the materialistic selfishness of her previous existence in the fake suburds of LA. However, all this could end because her father, a evil property developer BUM BUM BUM plans to cut down 10'000 acres of endangered rainforest to make the world's biggest African-based casino and theme park. Can the little princess melt her daddy's heart of ice and save The Most Beautiful Place In The World (TM) or will we Mr Moustache Twirler get his wish and probably chop about 100 years off the lifespan of the planet while he's at it? ALL WILL BE REVEALED SOON...


Yeah, friend of mine went for a casting yesterday. It's at pilot stage at the moment. It's told through the eyes of the daughter of an american family who move out from new york. She has a younger sister and a teenage step-brother who she doesn't get on with (naturally). In south africa there is an english father and son who run a reserve next to theirs.


Why? Why the need to remake it with Americans when there exists a perfectly good version?


Why does anyone remake anything?

"Paradise and hell both can be earthly. We carry them with us wherever we go."

-1492 (1992)


Well, I made a chocolate sponge the other day, that was so solid you couldn't cut it with a hammer and chisel. So, I REMADE IT, and this time it turned out to be as light and fluffy as a cloud. So I agree with the idea in principal, providing of course it is an improvement over the original or it has something new to offer.

Sadly, no amount of tinkering with this awful progamme could salvage it. If anything, The Yank version will be crammed with even more melodrama and cute beasties than ours. Hard to imagine, but I betcha they'll find a way to make it so bad it'll be virtually unwatchable to anyone except the under 5s and the senile...


Stop with the f---ing American stereotyping and bashing

"Marriage is the price men pay for sex; sex is the price women pay for marriage."


Wow, Yorick. The only stereotyping I'm seeing is your completely sexist, outdated, and highly offensive tagline.


I'm watching the american version right now and it is crap amaricans need new ideas and stop copying other shows. The american version of viva blackpool will be starting in a few weeks staring lloyd owen.


this reminds me of when americans destroyed the office
