What a top show. I like the fact that it is a feel good show,

Stunning music and locations. Nice one


yeah it isnt a bad show at all, itd be better if they show more wildlife though but ah wel its still entertaining :)



No no no no no no. I cant agree with you im afraid:

Music: brings tears to our eyes. have you ever been to robben island? There is an amazing experience where you wait fot the boat. A projection of about 100 locals singing. Really spine tingling stuff (and my spine has been tingled a lot around the world).
Location: what a lovely romantic ideal.

The animals: beautiful.

The storyline: as shallow as you can get, but who cares.

So anytime my life is bad: i watch this and remember how amazing things can be!!!

Sorry anxietyresistor we cannot agree with you.



Hey anx res

State your opinion, then shut up.

flame me and all the others you want, you're on my kill file.


Nah, I think I'll state my opinion 1000 times to really pee you off. I'll use different words and put in a few different languages to REALLY freak you out, but the view will still be there. And thx for putting me on ignore, hopefully the average IQ on this board will raise accordingly. HURRAY!!


I have found a lot of this on these boards:

Nah, I think I'll state my opinion 1000 times to really pee you off. I'll use different words and put in a few different languages to REALLY freak you out, but the view will still be there. And thx for putting me on ignore, hopefully the average IQ on this board will raise accordingly. HURRAY!!

Why? I suppose the sort of people that do it feel safe because they can hurl abuse with no chance of being caught. Pathetic really.

As usual, if you don't like it, switch off!

I think that this series started weakly and dragged on, but has picked up. Its not one of my favourites, but it does the job.


I agree with you, it's really good! Sometimes I think the storyline is too predictable but it's still enjoyable!

I think it's slightly unfair that you are being 'abused' by someone who disagrees with your opinion, though. I don't see you being rude so you don't deserve insults!


its one of the best programmes ever


Nicky Uncool Cat is one of the dumbest people ever. Unless you're having a laugh. But the joke wasn't funny. So both ways, your post is a waste of bandwidth. Please delete it now, and no further action will be taken...


Nicky uncool cat is one of the dumbest people ever. Unless you're only kidding. But the joke isn't funny. So whether you are being genuine or not, you above comment is a waste of bandwidth. Remove it now, and no further action will be taken. That is all...


interesting show


Face, it the show is sh*t & your opinion cannot change that FACT

Er, excuse me? That line is utter bullsh*t. You clearly think this show is sh*t making it your OPINION, however you seem to believe that it is instead, a FACT. Good or bad - OPINIONS do NOT make it a FACT!

People need to think before throwing around the word 'fact' because most of the time it is used in the wrong sense.


there is really no need to keep trading insults. everyone is entitled to their opinion and the right to voice that opinion but no-one has the right to say that someone else's opinion is wrong or stupid and there is certainly no call for name-calling anxietyregister. this is a discussion forum not a school playground although clearly you haven't noticed. your opinion is your opinion but it is not fact and it doesn't give you the right to dump on everyone who disagrees with you. you are not tough or smart hiding behind your computer insulting and degrading people you have never met. grow up.

back to the original poster's topic - no its not amazing tv and the acting isn't either but its good sunday night escapism. Although I think Leon Sanderson (hope i got the name right) does a great job at playing Du Plessis, best, most belieavable character in there.

Stop! Nobody move... I've dropped me brain...!

