Tied to the Cross?

That doesn't even make sense. How is tying someone to a cross suppose to kill them? You die from wounds in your hands and legs.

Like a circle in a spiral, like a wheel within a wheel...



Nope. And I'm pretty sure crucifixion was not meant as a quick death, but more a matter of painful display (I'm reasonably certain that crucifixion was not necessary meant as a death sentence).

Plus, there are ample ways to die being bound to a cross without food or water, in the heat.

But don't trust me:


No, you probably donĀ“t. You die for being there in the sun for several days without water. No need to be wounded to die of that.


Lol.... just lol.


I agree. Crucification is supposed to be a long, torturous death, not a quick one.

Welcome to my Nightmare- Freddy Krueger


That was actually one of the more accurate things in the movie. Nails were rarely used because gravity pulls the body downward and it slides off the nail. Ropes are more secure.

Also, NO ONE was ever nailed to a cross through his hands. That is purely artistic fabrication. When they did nail people to the cross, it was through the wrist just above distal radiolulnar joint. The hand bones are way too fragile to support the weight of an entire body for any appreciable amount of time.


From what I read, they used to crucify people by the wrists and calves between the bones to hold the crucified.

Global Warming, it's a personal decision innit? - Nigel Tufnel


Actually the wounds in the hands and legs would coagulate and one would not bleed to death unless they were submerged in water.

Lack of water is what killed those who were crucified. After three days without water most humans simply die. Remember the simple rule of human life: three minutes of air, three days of water, or three weeks of food. Take any of those away and we die.

Crucifixion was especially cruel because family members with good intentions would sneak water to those on the cross which would delay their death but amplify the torture.


You die from wounds in your hands and legs.
Interesting theory ...your source?
