Anyone notice?

Has anyone else noticed that over the last 10 or 20 years, talent is seeming to decrease? Just my opinion, nothing more.


Yep! And what the hell was Jennifer Love Hewitt doing there?? Also Mary Kate Olsen! God what is this coming too?
Oh wait, that was Fiona Apple, I think? hmmm-I dunno they all look the same.

OH and where the Hell was Paris Hilton ? *tongue firmly in cheek*


The Grammys are such a sham. Watch them give Hilary Duff or Ashlee Simpson a Grammy next year. Oh crap, they probably will.


Yeah - I've been watching since they started televising these awards... there has always been talent and then the talentless. In the 60's & 70's, few self-respecting artists would show up for this event. You could predict who the big winners would be, by seeing whom was appearing on the show. And many times they were often yesterday's "non-talent" that is STILL NOT relevant today.

People like Bowie, Mo Ostin were in their prime years then and likely not to appear to accept an award... Hmm where was Bowie tonight? So... in the big picture, while this year's Grammy Awards show tries to be all by pulling in the Recording Industry, TV, Radio, Motion Pictures etc., it stills seems to be failing to hit it's mark. Sadly, in the case of the Family Stone Revue! What was that?
Just my opinion & observation also.

