Second season?

or it's the end for sure? :[

i LOVE this show.


So far - the end.


I get mad everytime I think of it being cancelled fo good.
I mean I really starting enjoying watching it and to find out its been pulled sucks major balls.

*Laughing at people is more fun than laughing with them.*



Writing to the Fox network and letting them know that you were/are a fan of this show and would like to see a wrap up episode or two can't hurt. If you just take the time to take action, you would be amazed what can be accomplished.

I don't think any of the actors in this series would balk at doing a couple of hours of film to let fans have a closing scene that is much more fitting than having Matt and Emily walking down a street and maybe thinking about getting back together.

One thing is for sure- just posting here and not sending a little hand written note will not give this show the recognition or slimmest of chances to be closed properly.


so, what to do?


I can't believe they would cancel this great show. It seems only the best ones get cancelleled.
No respect to "Hollywood" :-(
