Ok, I read a post the other day at the Jericho boards. Basically it pointed out in real terms that the times are a changing.

I know most every one here knows that. But to me it was an eye opening point of view. I mean the Big Three networks have to see it coming, right? Or they will start to be left behind.

People no long just sit down and watch an hour of T.V. on 3 channel’s. People Tivo, dvr, and record what they love and watch it when they have time to. They go to websites and download and stream video of t.v. episodes.

There are people all over the world that watch American t.v. These people are reliant on American networks to decide what they are able to watch, they don’t get ratings. These show’s are bought by other countries and shown.

When are all the millions and millions of these people’s voices going to count. Is there not a system that can combine all these different markets and track what people are tuning in to see.

The people who dvr count! People all over the world in other countries count! People who watch online count! People who record with a VCR count! People who Tivo count! People who watch on iPods and such count!

TIMES ARE AH CHANG’N! Please see that and respond to our call’s of reason!

More then who you have counted, Nielsen and ABC, watch October Road, let their voices count too!




Very well put! I'm going to put this into my next letter to ABC.. Thanks!



Doesn't matter what I say to you "writer" all you will hear is blah blah blah.

You've made your point of view very clear. I disagree, I don't believe they are counting them. How can they count the people that record with a VCR? How can they count the people watching in other countries, they don't have ratings in England for example.

I'm not an expert. I don't know it all. But I know one thing, ABC is basing there decision on Neilsen ratings and that system is out of date. Thats a fact!

So say what you will, that won't stop others from seeing the truth.



Not sure how anyone would be able to factor in DVR recordings and frankly if there exists a way to gather that much detail about one's private doings I'm not confident that this is a good thing. ABC hasn't handed down a verdict at this point, ergo a detached view may be the wisest course of action.



I'm sorry but thoughs don't sound like current figures. OR has been off the air now over 2 weeks.

Heres a fact, Amazon ran out of stock of S1 DVD's last week. I know they had to re-stock.

I don't know if you can get OR on iTunes or iPods or what ever, I don't have or use thoughs products. I know that you can watch epy's of OR on ABC.com streaming if you are in the USA.

I know about ratings and Neilson. I know that at heyneilson.com they allow you to rate anything you want over there and they watch for blogg activity.

I know that the availablity of the show is key. When, where, and how to get this show has always been a problem.

I'm saying this show is worth putting more an effort into it. If all you say is correct, then you have made my point.

Your saying its not worth trying to change some of thoughs stat's. I'm saying it is. And I think some of thoughs stat's have change in the last few weeks.

All is not lost for this show! ABC and Disney will not go bankrupt if they make some changes in marketing and availablity. This company can make the choice to try and save this show and turn it around.

You are saying not worth it.



Nielsen's system definitely IS outdated, but not the only thing to be in Network television; Aside from TiVo, DVR, VCR, CCR or CPR etc, you also have to account for downloads and DVDs which give people the chance to watch a whole season -or show- at their convenience and sometimes without having to pay for it in any way.

Network TV counts on advertising for profits, which is is increasingly difficult with the many alternatives to sitting in fron tof the tube every on a given time, as if TV watching was still part of Pavlov's experiment.

"Heroes" has been a great example of how Nets cold deal with a changing market and reality. The show made successful use of product placement by giving some of its characters brand-spanking new Nissan vehicles (a Versa in first season and Rogue for the next), while doing the same with a weekly online "comic book". Less reliance on traditionnal "commercials every 5 minutes" formula, to make way for the online generation and character-driven endrosment.

Not that EVERY show should be handled the same, but it goes to show that there ARE new ways of aguging success for a TV show, and the networks should really start looking at them instead or keeping ip with the Nielsen dinosaur.

Of course some will mention "Push Nevada" in arguing that audiences aren't ready to change their ways, but the steady decline in ratings just can't be balmed on quality.

So here's a question, without sarcasm or agenda, just a question:
How could "October Road" make use of the new reality for a larger appeal?

Autism isn't a disaster


I would like so thank you for such a clear response. Like I said before in my original post, I AM NOT AN EXPERT! I thank you Ant Lan for stating your point of view so clearly and fairly. I learned alot from it.

I think that OR can do alot to gage what is really happening. For example: your comment on car's in the show. OR has alot of places to put these kind of product placements for ad space. I have a question though, does not ad space fee's get rated by how many eye's watch the program, I mean, the super bowl ad's are up in the millions per minute, right??? Aren't the networks charging based on the Neilson Ratings system, isn't that what drives the market price for air space??? Sorry I just don't know so I had to ask.

Back to your question, OR could sell there episodes for download around the world. I have heard from spain, germany, england on this subject. Spain will start airing OR on April 21st. Germany fan's can only find the show by watching online or boot legging it. England seems to be doing the same as Germany. It all seems kind of vague to me. I have not gotten clear answers on the subject. But I think youtube helps the people that are not allowed to watch on the network website. You can not download an epy if you are not in the USA.

So I think there are some really big holes in the marketing of this show! I think there are ways that my little brain can not come up with. But I know my friends on the message boards over there at ABC can come up with anything if ask. I challenge anyone reading this to go over there and put the question to them.

They are the ones that are posting the bloggs, signing petitions, sending letters, sending emails, buying S1 of OR and donating it to libraries around the country, sending DVD S1 to soldiers over seas, and contacting media outlets. They are the ones that have put their brains to working out how to save this show. They would do anything, they could find a solution to the problem, I know it!

So I know this show is worth saving, it's not perfect, but there is no program on in this world that is!


This is a very interesting post to me - I am a Jericho fan and have watched that phenomenon all the way thru and indeed it was Jericho that totally changed my tv viewing in many ways. But it is the internet that is the catalyst of this. The internet has changed tv viewing even more drastically than the advent of the vcr.

I live in Australia and do not have cable tv in my house. Previously I relied on my tv watching from free-to-air tv networks of which there are five main ones in Australia. These networks have, for many years now, totally frustrated and annoyed me! Shows that I have adored and been a faithful fan of, are constantly being taken off with no notice, or having their timeslot pushed back to some ungodly hour of the night or early morning. Now, with the internet, I can quickly ascertain what the exact status of these shows are. I can find out if they've been cancelled in the US, if they're on hiatus, when new episodes will be available, when the new season starts etc. Keep in mind that MOST of the shows I watch are made in America and are simply sold to the networks in Australia to show whenever they please.

Many times Australians would see a show months, or even years, later than the US audience. That is gradually starting to change with Australian networks realising that Aussie viewers are simply NOT going to wait for them to view shows. Aussie viewers have other means at their disposal! As do other viewers all round the world. We have the internet! It was Jericho that first brought home to me how simple it all was because I loved the show - was obsessed by it in fact - and when the Australian Network Ten cancelled the show here, I HAD to have my episodes, and as a participating member of a few Jericho message boards, I HAD to have them as close as possible to the time that my US counterparts were getting them in order to discuss episodes. Hence, the downloading phenomenon.

But here is the dilemma. Many times, I have to illegally download a show simply because its not available through any legal means. A network in America might stream a show to ppl in Amercia the day after they show it on TV - they did this with Jericho - BUT they don't allow folk from other countries to view this material. With Jericho they made it available on iTunes for a small fee, but with many other shows they don't do this. As far as I know, October Road has not been available on iTunes and has never been shown on Australian tv, unless it has been on a cable network. Don't know if EVERYONE in the States has cable, but here, its still reasonably common for ppl to not have it. Plus Aussie cable has nowhere near the amount of stations that yours does, and I don't know what your costs are for cable but here, if you wanted all the networks available it would cost you at least one hundred dollars a month.

So the problem is this. I love LOTS of tv shows. And I get kind of fanatical about my fav shows. But I now RARELY watch tv shows actually on tv! I watch nearly all my shows either on my computer after I've downloaded them, either legally or illegally, or I watch them after they have come out on DVD. I am a big tv drama series watcher - huge in fact. But I'm guessing that my way of watching is getting counted the least, and if I'm illegally downloading then naturally I'm not giving the makers of the show any income so why would they want to count me? Right? But if thats the only way to get a particular show, then what else can you do?

I also buy ALOT of my dvd tv series directly from Amazon in Region 1 even though Australia is Region 4 - I have a multi region dvd player. I do this because usually the shows are released on dvd EARLIER in the States than in Australia and I don't want to wait! So there are many OTHER avenues open to me to watch the shows I want to watch WHEN I want to watch them, but I don't think the networks are properly cashing in on this. They are antiquated in their methods both of rating and how they get their product out there, and especially in relation to the rest of the world. I think they need to be thinking more globally rather than just in America. There's a pretty big audience out here in the rest of the world - an audience that COULD be making alot more money for them if they would just cater to us a little more. They used to make money selling their product to overseas networks - they still do that of course and make some money out of it, but I'm thinking they could make more money selling direct to the individual. The networks are gradually changing - times are changing! - but it feels like we're having to drag them there by their toenails! They need to get with it!

I really want to support the networks that make good shows so that they continue to make good shows, but they need to get their acts together and realise that the traditional way of watching television has changed entirely and will be continuing to change, so if they want to continue to make a profit - and avoid the wrath of fans sending them millions of nuts! - they need to be constantly changing too.

Sorry to be so long winded but this post grabbed my attention as its something I've been thinking about for quite some time. October Road is just one of many shows that I've really enjoyed - on my computer, not on my tv!

Lady Imrahil


Omgosh, Thank you so much LADY IMRAHIL! What a great read! I got so much information from that.

Can I just say that I am just like you, in almost all you say. I also am a rabbid Fan for ever of McLeod's Daughters.

I, like you, got hooked on the show here in the states but they cancelled after the third season. I too bought all the seasons of dvd's I could find at amazon.com. I too could not wait for the rest of the seasons to come out so I bought an all region DVD player. I am currently waiting for S7. I'm so sad they cancelled McLeod's, but it had 8 years.

Thank you agian for your post. I copied it and posted it over at the OR boards at abc.com. Hope you don't mind, I just had to share it.

Take care, and Like I say alot when ending my email's(i.e. MD)!


