Question about Eddie

We all know what Eddie was like (romantically speaking) before Janet. A different girl every couple of days, no relationship lasting more than two weeks, etc.

So given the events of the season finale and his anger over Janet sleeping with Rooster, do you think Eddie will go back to his playboy ways? Part of me thinks he might (even if its just an act or an attempt to forget her), but part of me also thinks he was changed by Janet and the relationship he had with her, which will make it harder for him to go back to that lifestyle. I'd be interested to hear what everyone else's thoughts are on this.

(Just a note: I'm as big a Janet/Eddie fan as you'll find anywhere, but even I have to admit its going to take some time before they get back together. Just wondering how he'll act in the interim.)


I think in times of distress, people default to what they know. I think that Eddie will try to go back to his old giggalo ways and after having had a meaningful relationship he'll find that it just feels empty and doesn't hold the interest for him that it once did. I think after that realiziation, he'll begin the process of looking for a new relationship similar to the quality he had with Janet. Everybody will expect him to go back to his old ways, but they'll all be pleasantly shocked when it doesn't happen.

The second possibility that would be interesting, is based on a comment he made to Owen in his hospital bed. When Owen wanted retribution for the attack on Eddie, Eddie stated that he would get to "call the play" on this one. The way I took that is that Big Cat inadvertently checkmated himself without even knowing because Eddie had a plan. What that plan could be is speculation at this point but smart money would be that he will have a sit down with Big Cat and tell him he and Hannah's secret thereby ruining his nuptials. The other theory I had is that he'd use his womanizing ways to his advantage and start dating Christine Cataldo as a way of getting to Big Cat. Frankly, if Christine is aware of the animosity between the two, she might actually go along with it just out of spite. But if this did happen, I could see Eddie giving Big Cat a picture of him with his kids at a baseball game or something.


Harlemsushi, I loved the idea of Eddie and Christine dating to piss off Big Cat. I like that idea better than him and Rory. I want Eddie and Janet to reunite but that's going to take some time.


Thanks. Of all the underused characters, Christine Cataldo really commands her role and literally steals every scene she's in. Even in the season finale she upstaged Big Cat and Hannah at the same time. Her, Carter Bumm, and Caroline Garrett (played incredibly by Jessica Tuck) really need more screentime. Best way to accomplish that is to dump some of the dead weight. Yes Rooster, I'm looking in your direction. :)
