MovieChat Forums > October Road (2007) Discussion > ABC is ruining everything

ABC is ruining everything

They are not doing anything to build up a fan base, they have us get hooked than take it off for months, than bring it back a couple times than move the day, it's so ridiculous... if you don't give something a chance you can't let it pick up... hello - Seinfeld!!!!! nobody watched the first season when it was out, but it finally built up a fan base and became a success. this show is the new thirtysomething

"To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world"



I'm also in complete agreement. And this is nothing new for ABC. Unless something is an instant hit (aka Grey's, Desperate Housewives, etc) a new show doesn't stand a chance on that network. And then they make it worse by keeping those same shows long after the interest has died off instead of giving shows in their first or second season a chance to grow.



I see your point, but I feel the need to clarify something. By "interest dying off", I was referring to the quality of the storylines, not the number of viewers. Sorry if I didn't explain myself well enough.

When Grey's first premiered, I was as big a fan of the show as you would find anywhere. The stories gripped viewers in a way that very few shows do. And then sometime in the third season it started going downhill. If you look at the storylines now, the actual relationships between the characters have been tossed aside in favor of one big orgy. I still watch, but only because I've been watching since the beginning and am reluctant to give it up. I really couldn't care less who sleeps with who at this point. I know it still gets the ratings and thats why ABC keeps it around, but the point I was trying to make is the actual content has gone severely downhill.

And as far as wanting it as a lead-in, yes, it is because of the ratings. My hope is that people such as myself who have become disillusioned with Grey's but still tune in will stick around an extra hour and realize there is a show out there that actually cares about the relationships between its characters.
