Our children...not us

It's really funny how some of you say this show is annoying. After all, Disney is not out to please us so much...they are out to please OUR CHILDREN. My son is not even one yet and he adores it. Seeing him "pat, pat, pat, pat"..."blast off" and then smile after he copies their actions is enough to make me happy. That should be enough for everyone else too.

God Bless.


Amen to that!

I lie...honestly


I couldn't agree with you more. My son is two and does the same thing.


you know I never saw it that way. I agree with you 100%

2003 National Champions: LSU ~ GEAUX TIGERS! *singing* We Are The Champions!!


agreed! my son is 16 mos. old and he loves "patting" and raising his arms for "blastoff!" it's funny... all the work my wife and i put into teaching him to mimic our actions and lo and behold he imitates a tv show first!



My daughter even sometimes insists that we "buckle up", then pat pat pat and then "blast off" before we can leave the drive-way. She's 3 years old. :) I'm 39 and I'm not really sure who enjoys this show more. ;)


Ha ha, my duaghter did the very same thing! Just last week, I buckled her up, then she started patting, then yells "Blast off!" as I backed out of the driveway. Pretty adorable.


My 2 yo tells me "seat belts buckled" when I strap her into her booster seat for dinner, or when I put her into the car seat. I'm glad she's made the connection between what the Einsteins do on TV, and what she does in real life.

That said...If I hear "I Can Not Believe IT" one more time, I'm going to scream!


I am 32 and my kids are 8 and 4 and they BOTH like the show, I personally love it. Where else can you get a much needed dose of fine at and classical music?


i like watching this show when im drunk. the music rocks even more then.


This show is enjoyable to me. Although I'm tired of hearing to word Creshendo(sp?) it's great that my kids can be cultured in classical music and its parts. Growing up as a kid, the closest to culture I got from kids shows was "C- is for cookie" and how to count to 10 in spanish.

It's nice to see a show that teaches something unique. Everytime I approached classical music with interest, some snooty jerk drove me away for not remembering the name of a song. This is finally a nice attitude towards the subject.

Fun to make
Even more fun to eat


On the other hand, it's highly entertaining to be driving my daughters around in a shopping cart and having them squeal "Go Allegro, Daddy!" and have everyone around looking very surprised. :)


why do you want your kid copying everything he sees on tv? what happens when he starts watching jackass?


Why is using diferent terms for fast and slow, loud and quiet, etc. copying? There's something to be said for getting your children to behave by using fun instructions, i.e. to keep my oldest quiet and not wake her sister when she gets up at night we "creep, creep, retardando" down the hall; or getting across the street we hold hands and go allegro.
As for their watching habits, that's what parents are for. Monitor their habits. Teach them right from wrong. Smart and funny from idiotic. Do your best and pray you give them the knowledge and tools to make intelligent choices.


Daughter would be "she", but regardless... I would like to think that there's a difference from learning new words (as in proper context, synonyms, etc.) and simple copying.

If you are letting your kids simply copy what they see on TV in an unhealthy manner, that would be a parenting problem. Still, kids play, kids imagine, kids make-believe. We all did (or most). But there's a large jump from there to the antics of Jackass.

If you are letting your 2-3 year olds watch Jackass, I'd suggest you have some big issues in your own skillsets. Likewise, if your teens + are still watching Little Einsteins, the same may hold true.

Work with your kids and they will learn. Let them watch TV all day long and they'll copy.
