MovieChat Forums > Kyle XY (2006) Discussion > Was Kyle a clone or a test tube baby?

Was Kyle a clone or a test tube baby?

Was Kyle supposed to be a clone or a test tube baby?


He was a clone of Adam Baylin created in a test tube.


No, he wasn't. His father was Adam Baylin and mother Grace Kingsley and he was a test tube baby. Jessi was a test tube baby too, her mother was Sarah and father that Taylor guy.
Latnok was planning to make clones of Kyle.


Caterina clearly talking nonsense, the first reply is correct.


A clone needs no mother AND father. It is created from one host human. Kyle had both as did Jessie. He was made using Balins sperm and Nancy's egg. He was raised in the artificial womb.


I meant Grace not Nancy.


If you watched every episode, from beginning to end, it's 100% clear that Kyle was a test tube baby and they were going to clone HIM. Sometimes paying attention helps. Just saying.


He was a little of both. He was a clone and a test tube baby.


No he came from Grace's egg and Balin's sperm.


Kyle was NOT a clone, but in the final episode he found out that Cassidy was going to make clones of him .
