
I quite liked A Hole In My Heart...Well, most of it, except the stuffing-food-down-her-throat-and-pretending-to-rape-her bit... I have a pretty hard tolerance for most things but that just made me sick. Despite that, a pretty decent film. So if anyone knows anything more about this one other than: 'why's Jena Malone in a Chinese film?' (lol) then let me know if it's not too cringeworthy.

~wild weeds flower in wind and snow~


it is a very different movie from "a hole in my heart". I enjoyed both of them but this one is better. It is an experimental movie but it doesn't have bizarre cenes like those of "a hole in my heart".



So what's it actually about, other than the 'trapped in a body' thing?

~wild weeds flower in wind and snow~


i just finished watching "container" and this is the strangest thing i've ever seen. it's 70 minutes of extremely bizarre imagery and psychedelic narration by jena malone's wonderful voice. i loved this film.
i admire moodysson for breaking new grounds with "a hole in my heart" but with this film he totally pushes it to the edge. it's just one f'cked up film, but it brings you some really messages. it made me feel bad. but it's a great experiment. i really wonder what moodysson is up to next.

Where are you, Mount Everest? Give me some Everest.


What is up with Moodysson? He started off with one o fthe best movies ever made. Then the quality slipped down a little, and lilya was so so and hole in my heart was rubbish. He should try and make some entertaining films again. Too bad, he has such potential.


Hehe, maybe Moodysson just decided to have a box office hit early in his career so he can focus on the stuff the really wants to do.


How could anyone like A Hole in My Heart after watching the beautiful films Moodyson made--Lilya 4 ever and Together? He seems to be not able to experience pleasure or success and wants to torture the audience by denying the same feeling to them--his psychology is pretty simple and he seems very melodramatic and pretentious by saying he's figuring out anything. Perhaps, it's his religious beliefs that keep him from being able to experience Joy and he just wants to punish everyone else in the audience along with himself. If he wants to disappoint his audience, he's succeeded, but if he keeps making crap like this, he won't have an audience anymore. Moodyson was so generous in Together---I just wanted more from him. Talent is a terrible thing to waste.


Judging from his interviews he basically wants to make movies that HE wanted to make and not what the audience espects to be entertaining. Film is first and foremost an artform and he wants to do his own thing. Lilya 4-EVER was brilliant, A Hole In My Heart was different but good but a bit too raw and this one is seriously a piece of art. I sat mesmerised for the entire 71 minutes. One of the best films he's ever made.

This is not to say his earlier films are bad. I love those but he's finally finding his own identity.

Did you ever notice that people who believe in creationism look really un-evolved? - Bill Hicks


They're both rubbish.
