If it's not Scottish - its craaapppp!

Is the Scottish store keeper skit on this one?


In the special features there's a Scottish store keeper skit featuring Christopher Walken that was apparently cut from the actual show. So yes.


hey anyone remember at the beginning of this skit when they are chant SCOTTISH......SOCCER......HOOLIGANS.....WEEKLY!!! Anyone know what song that tune is from? I keep thinking its skinhead moonstomp, but im not sure?


haha such a funny sketch, wasn't keiffer sutherland in that 1???


I kind of prefer the "All Things Scottish" sketch with Patrick Stewart as "Phil McCracken: Scottish Therapist." It's the one where Chris Farley comes in and says that he wants to buy one of those "little dresses you guys wear" for one of his friends who's gay. Stuart, fuming with tranquil fury, steps around the counter, saying, "Well, come on over and I'll size you up." Then he head-butts Chris's nose, and Chris goes berserk with the pain in his famous way. Then comes the therapy session:

"Let's try a little 'word-association': Father."



"Kick in the goonies!"


"Smash a bottle in the face!"

Then they both get stinking drunk. That sketch should have replaced one of the less-funny sketches in this compilation.

The Falcon flies
