The song from Cyberia

I would appreciate any info anyone has about the song played during Lain's first trip to Cyberia. It isn't on the soundrack I have...

Thanks in advance.


There are actually three versions of the Lain soundtrack.
I would assume you have the amaricanized-basterdized version. If the one your talking about is the one i'm thinking of its one the cyberia mix bootleg. Your best bet of finding it is on something like ebay. Thats where i found my copy. Well a freind found it a burned it for me. Good luck


Wow Nezmonk, that really helped the poor guy out. You tell him that you have a song he is desperately searching for, but that he should go try and buy it off ebay. You could offer to email him an mp3 of the file since you won't even tell him the name of the track. You say a friend burned you your copy. Keep the cycle going. And if you aren't going to share with others the good fortune that you've received, maybe you should delete your comment that so coldly ends "Good luck."


Gah...I hate hate it when people don't answer questions they are asked...the songs title is Duvet by the band BOA. I can't believe that other guy...hope that helps.



heres a website with all the lain music - the 3 soundtracks / promo dvd / boa lain tunes

the server its hosted on is a bit flaky but it works most of the time



angelofserenity, it's not BOA man

DUVET by BOA is the Opening theme
he s talkin about when
Lain is entering the club .
I'm searching for the song too ;)

If anyone needs BOA, I have a whole album in MP3

just ask
