Almost Perfect


I'm reading a couple threads and it seems many people didn't like either twist. Was it only me that loved the movie when Rogue turned out to be Tom? Maybe I missed something but I didn't see it coming and thought it was great.

That aside, the second twist, about Crawford on the wrong side and betraying Tom was retarded. He is portrayed as somewhat intelligent so for him to really think that a notorious assassin will just "rough up" Tom after he shot him in the face is just making him almost painfullt stupid. It really looks as if it was just thrown all in there for the hell of another twist. I wouldve happily accepted that it was one of the cops in his department. Wouldn't be as big as this, but woudn't be that stupid.


agreed on both points! I'm not quite understanding the level of hatred going around about the first twist when Rogue turned out to be Tom. I thought it was excellent and they only gave two subtle hints about it (Rogue suddenly won't kill women and kids, and Jason's comment about the eyes).

As for the second twist, wtf!?!?!? I can see how it could work, but it was just a little too much and too fast at the end w/ that twist.

But yes, it's good to know there is at least one other person in the world who liked the first twist. Not just me!


When Jason Statham's character brings up the fact that Rogue doesn't sound at all like Tom Lone did, was there ever an explanation for this? I was wondering the same thing, and it never seemed to be explained, unless I missed something.

That was the only real problem I had with the first twist. The second twist...I don't know, I kind of liked it, maybe just because I like Jet Li and wanted him to win.
