MovieChat Forums > Avatar (2009) Discussion > It's more of a ripoff of Pocahontas

It's more of a ripoff of Pocahontas


I'm Blade brown, the Dopest, ,hypest brotha, on the block!


And Dances with the wolves among others...


How many movies and stories are ripped off of other stories.

There's supposed to be only three stories in existence.
Recently they've added a fourth.

Man vs. Man
Man vs Environment
Man vs. Himself.


Man vs. Society.

All stories are a variation of these when you get down to it.
Sometimes all of the above.

It's called conflict.


Yes, it's definitely inspired by Pocahontas. If it's a ripoff, I'd say Avatar is the best retelling of that story ever put on film.

Get off your soapbox while I play you a tune on the tiniest violin.


And I would agree with you. Except that I would ho fsrthet and say that it's almost the opposite of Pocohantas. To make it parallel Pocohantas, Ney'tiri would have no personal interest in Jake, she would marry another human (presumably having a human avatar body made for her) and would go to Earth with this other guy and die of a human disease without ever seeing Pandora again. I don't recall that John Smith ever went native.


I was dragged along to this in 2009 and i remarked during the cinema this was a copy of dances with wolves


I've always thought it was really close to "Fern Gully"
