MovieChat Forums > Afsaid (2006) Discussion > Mix up in the IMDB database

Mix up in the IMDB database

There seem to be 2 films named offside (2006) in the database. One is a Israeli short film, the other one an Iranian feature directed by Jafar Panahi (running for Golden Bear at Berlin 2006).



Not a mixup, Steven. There are fairly often two or more films with the same name in the same year. The world is a big place.

Actually, you are off on another count, as well. There are actually, as of March 1 at least, THREE films named "Offside" listed by IMDb for 2006: the two you mentioned and a Swedish feature. Iran, Israel, Sweden...a big place indeed.

You read it here. Now go forth and preach it!


Thank you. Just about to say the exact same first line.


- "Dougie, where are you going?"
- "To find Satan!"
