MovieChat Forums > The Genius Club (2006) Discussion > I just saw this abhorrence for a movie

I just saw this abhorrence for a movie

I'm not entirely sure where to start from. Skipping the poor lighting, sound, and acting - all of which will be opening a can of worms - let's take a closer look at the script, which is, beyond any reasonable doubt, beyond a joke.

First, I am a firm believer that God exists. But (and that's a very big 'but') I know for a fact that one cannot, and must not, ever prove something does not exist until it has been fully proven to exist in the first place. Hence, the reason we say "believe" in God. If God was scientifically, philosophically, or any word that ends with "-ally" proven to be there, there would be no reason for one to say "I believe in God." For example, I have yet to see one person who says "I believe gravity exists." We all know it does; one claiming otherwise would be treading upon the grounds of the mentally ill. Moving on, what kind of so-called genius would ask another to prove that God does not exist? There is nothing scientific, or clever for that matter, about attempting to prove a negative. The way the movie portrays God exists is, sad but true, the worst one I have seen to date in any form of script written.

Second, how come those geniuses were stating, dare I say, the obvious all the time? How come many of them stated blatant scientific errors? Just one example of the latter was when the cancer research assistant stated that if the Earth was only one mile closer to the Sun we would fry and that if it was only one mile farther we would freeze? Ever heard of Circumstellar habitable zones, lady? This is the zone which life as we know it could exist around any given star. The Sun's habitable zone, surprise, surprise, lies somewhere between 130 million - 160 million km from the Sun, more or less.

Third, and this is debatable, the smarter you are, the more charismatic and self-confident you are. In this movie, the so-called geniuses were insulting one another, were so scared from dying that they wanted to leave (knowing that leaving would result in an instant death), and when prompted to leave a few minutes before the bomb was to be detonated, Stephen Baldwin got up and was ready to leave. Huh? What difference would two minutes do if you were standing at not at point blank, but but at point zero from a one megaton bomb? Does he even know what horrors such a blast would have, no matter how many miles you are from it? And, yet again, when several of them were asked what would they do to if they were dictators, they answered with self-centred, ridiculous hogwash: the casino owner said she'd bring an end to all casinos and the baseball player said he'd end all baseball, since it's unfair baseball players make $10 million a year and cancer research assistants make $41,000 a year; $23,000 after taxes, $0 after food and expenses. Talk about self-confidence and knowing what you want from life! These are not geniuses; my own simple mind begs to question the IQ of such lowlifes.

I could just go on and on and on. I have read comic scripts with more depth than this abomination. Seriously, I wouldn't give this movie more than a 1 out of 10 rating.


So refreshing to read something respectable from a theist. I couldn't care less what people believe in, but to see religious folk try to elevate this POS film simply because it falls in line with their beliefs makes me disgusted that I'm the same species as them.
