I Love This Movie!

Yes, I'm drunk. (Why should tonight be any different from any other night?) But I really enjoyed this piece of sh*t. A bad movie, yes. But bad in all the right ways. Every great zombie film is long on character development, and this one had that, in abundance. I came to dislike, (or at least, to be profoundly disappointed,) in some of the characters I originally loved. I came to love one of the characters that I initially despised. (I'm sure anyone who's seen the film knows exactly who I'm talking about.) I had no idea where the story was going; It was anything but predictable.

If I was to make a list of my favorite zombie films of all time... Can't say for sure that this one would be in the Top Ten, but I think I can safely say it'd be in the Top Twenty. I really enjoyed the damn thing.

