Replacing Kevin

Assuming Blair Herter replaces Adam Sessler on XPlay, who do you see coming in and taking over for Kevin? Hardwick would have been the obvious choice a year ago, but it seems like a step down for him now. I think it would be great to see Matt Mira try out for it, but I'm not sure if he'd be a good fit opposite Candace. Could you see a Bailey-Chobot-Underwood hosting trio? You'd probably get tons of people saying that was just for eye candy.

I would love to see them pluck someone from YouTube to come in and host. I think Philip DeFranco would be a big hit. I just don't think he'd do it. He's already got twice the viewership online. It would be a win for G4, but Comcast would have to throw some money at him.

Just please not Grace Helbig.


No Blair! He is an insult to vision...Certainly not Chris Hardwick he'll be riding on the Walking Dead train until it ever actually crashes.

It's gonna have to be a guy replacing Kevin. If they had another girl they ought to just air AOTS on the Lifetime Network so it can then be rerun on Oxygen. The most difficult part would be a find someone to play opposite Candice, and therein lies the problem. The best place to look would be the Nickelodeon Lounge where they got Candice.

The best thing for them to do would be to cancel AOTS. It's gotten to the point where it is nothing like The Screen Savers.


I actually think Chris Hardwick would be a perfect replacement. And i think he could still ride the Walking Dead train while doing AOTS. There are only 13 episodes of 'Walking' so he'd only have to host 'Talking' 13 Sundays out of the year. He could do both.



s c r e w youtube douches hire an actual tv person not fake tv.

spectre can

suck it.


I'd like to see Matt Mira try out at least. Please god no Blair Herter!! The show is going to suffer regardless. Candice is horrible with the one on one interviews, lets face it she is just mediocre. I'd love it to be Chris Hardwick but he is way too busy now running a freaking nerd empire. And quite honestly I'd rather him continue with the podcast, the youtube stuff, talking dead, the nerdist tv show, standup/live podcasts and god knows what else he has up his sleeve.


Hardwick left G4 and he didn't have anything to particularly nice to say about it when he left.


Is Casey Schreiner still involved with G4? I wouldnt mind seeing him host, or who was the guy that sang next to Kevin in the Distended Warranty songs, you know Red Ring of Death and iHate therefore iPad?

Actually who plays Jeremy in Jeremy's Dragon Corner?

You forgot the number 1 rule about remakes: don't **** with the original!


Kevin started as a PA at the channel and turned into on-air talent. It doesn't matter where the talent comes from. YouTube was just the first place I thought of where there are tons of people who are very comfortable talking to a camera and are at least mildly creative.

~Topher, Killer of Threads

