
Okay, here's the deal. I've FINALLY gotten into the Guitar Hero thing. Never played it, always wanted to, finally bought GHIII for my 360 last night. I only played about two hours of it before I went to bed, so I don't know much about it yet. My question is, is there any way in the options to switch it to something like a left-handed mode? Obviously you can just flip the guitar over and the frets will still be in the same order down the neck, but is there any way I can change it on the screen so that the notes are flipped as well? My brother is left-handed and I'd like to let him try the game because I know he'd like it, but it would be pretty difficult if the notes on the screen and the frets on the guitar are in reverse order.

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.



Thanks man. I actually noticed it not long after I posted this question, but I appreciate your help all the same.

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.


I have fun turning lefty flip on with the game displays at Wal Mart and Target. Show the righties what its like to have to things backwards because of your handedness. Damn fun to watch people who've never played struggle playing backwards.


im a lefty and i had no clue u could switch the order of the fret buttons so i've been doin it for a right handed person lol...i tried the lefty flip and i fu-ked up so many times for some reason...so i jus leave it for a right handed person

-Slut in truck! <3

MS (Miley supporter)
