John Waters

I can't wait for this show to start. I love anything John Waters makes. I can only imagine the great spin John will put into this show. The commentaries he makes for all his films are great, and the "Mommy Dearest" commentary is just the funniest commentary you've ever heard. I'm glad I'll get my dose of John Waters on a weekly basis from now on.


The trailer I love best has him with a bunch of roses, chanting:

He kills her

She kills him

He kills her...

I agree with everything in your post - I love all his commentaries, although I get the feeling with "Mommie" that Paramount asked him to lighten up a little, to not be as much HIM as with his own films. He "sounded" kind of restrained.

But I don't know what to do with these tossed salads and scrambled eggs - they're calling again.
