I want my money back

I rented this movie hoping it would be a good campy horror film, and seeing all the awards on the cover sold me on it. Worst mistake ever, it was a complete rip off of Night of the Demons (at cult classic 80s horror film). The special effects were pretty good but thats the only credit I will give them. The acting was horrible and the writing was worse. The awful attempts at humor is what really kills this movie. The last 20 minutes of the film are filled with bland jokes in an attempt to create a comedic horror feel which fails miserably. I would rather pass a kidney stone than watch this movie again.


Well, that's why you don't pay for these kind of movies. ;-)

The real trick to life is not to be in the know, but to be in the mystery. -Fred Alan Wolf


I want more than just my money back, I want my time too!


The only real way you'll know if you'll like a movie is if you sit down and watch it. If you don't like it after it's done, well, at least you tried. I know, I know, you want your time back, but nobody can give it to ya, so suck it up and hope the next film's better.

Not trying to defend bad movies here, but it's not necessarily the film maker's fault if you don't like something. You're just one little viewer. Can't please everybody.

Well! Didn't mean to direct all that at you.

For the record, I do not like this movie, and hopefully you just took the time out to watch it - and not download it. And download an image of the DVD cover. And then make a DVD menu in a converter program. And then convert the video file. And THEN watch it. (But, at least I still have my 12 bucks..)

The real trick to life is not to be in the know, but to be in the mystery. -Fred Alan Wolf


It's is the film maker's fault if you don't like a piece of crap like this movie. They had to have known this movie sucked. I've seen student films with better quality than this movie.

Somewhere along the line, they have decided that it's okay to keep pumping out bad horror movies. No other genre has this many bad movies. The only one close is action movies but they are still way behind in crappiness.

There is nothing wrong with expecting more from horror movies. Unfortuntely, there are tons of people out there still willing to pay money for these crap movies so it's not going to end anytime soon.


How is it the film maker's fault if your opinion of their movie is negative? I don't understand that. It's all subjective man. There are no Universal Truths that define what a "bad movie" is. Even low measureable factors, like picture quality and special effects, don't necessarily make for a bad movie (probably doesn't help it much though). I'm sure someone at some point in time even genuinely liked (unironically) Plan 9 From Outer Space.

Of course there's nothing wrong with WANTING to expect more from horror movies, as long as you don't ACTUALLY expect more from horror movies. You yourself said bad horror movies keep getting pumped out and it won't end anytime soon, so, why expect a lot? Especially on a low-budget picture like this one? It'd be nice for expectations to be raised, but that's just not the state of things. Surely you've been disappointed enough. I have. Not every movie is gonna rule and be original and scary (even if it did win a few awards). And until you or I make our own pictures we gotta just watch what's out there.

Low-budget horror is relatively easy to get into so there's simply a lot more crap out there. People like blood and violence and monsters. They love horror. So they rent a couple cameras, get a crew together, and make a movie. Because it's so open a loooot of crap gets in, but on the flipside, because it's so open, there's a chance for unknown film maker's with real talent to make the next Bad Taste.

The reason I keep watching is for the love of the genre. Sure, for every horror movie I find that I love, there's 10 average ones and twice as many "meh" ones, but it's that one gem that keeps me coming back.

P.S. Sorry it's so long. I may have gotten a little carried away there.

The real trick to life is not to be in the know, but to be in the mystery. -Fred Alan Wolf


"How is it the film maker's fault if your opinion of their movie is negative?"

I said a piece of crap like THIS movie. I am asserting that the filmmaker had to have known this was a bad movie. You should have respect enough for your potentional audience that you work hard to give them something good even if you are working on a low budget.

The biggest problem is film has been dumbed down into simply an entertaining money-making device instead of being viewed as an art form. Since the digital age makes it easy, anyone thinks they can make movies. They can in the literal sense but never in the quality sense. Anyone can pick up a paint brush but that doesn't make them an artist.

I'm not expecting any masterpieces from the horror genre but I do want some form of quality. It's just so frustrating going through so many just to find one descent movie.

But I will say "Zombie Strippers" was bit of an improvement from this movie but not by much.


One other thing, I don't just expect every movie I watch to be good. I rented "Evil Bong" the other day and knew not to expect much. The movie just screams ridiculous but that's okay because I know that. A movie like "The Slaughter" doesn't give away how bad it is until you're actually sitting through it. Unfortuntely, it's not the "It's so good it's bad" kind of movie either.


After 15 minutes of this flick I actually went into the kitchen to watch the paint dry, which was much more fun. Alas....


I saw it on Sci Fi and it was not that tolerable but I still watched it.


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