How bad...

how bad is Matilda Lutz (Julia) acting? i know some of you saying its bad but how bad?


Haven't watched the movie yet but I can already tell most of the acting is abit superficial. Not enough emotion and character depth like the original characters (e.g. Rachel, Aiden, Noah and even Katie)


She underacts, which in this film's case actually isn't a bad thing.

Her worst delivery moment is when she claims she saw something but her boyfriend didn't see it. I won't mention what it is, but when you see it you may know what I'm talking about.

** Rest in peace, Timothy Volkert (1988 - 2003) **


I just saw it tonight and her acting isntbthatisn't that bad... As usual people are exaggerating things. It's definitely not a good performance but average. And the movie is much better than a 19 meta score. I enjoyed it but nono where close to The Ring. And it leaps and bounds better than the Ring 2.


Really bad, every sene with her is so flat and unemotional, it's also very bad when she talks to herself.


her acting is so bad it's almost impressive


Her acting isn't all that bad, I think people wanted more reaction from her, emotion wise. But considering Julia wasn't afraid of Samara and only cared about saving her boyfriend and helping out a little girl, she handled it all as someone putting things aside to use insight to try and solve things and make things better, and pushed out most of everything else. Not the wisest choice for the character, but well. .


She's driftwood. Not being afraid is no excuse for being stiff. James Bond isn't scared yet he has a range of emotions. She's just not that good is all. Reminds me of the terrible acting from that One Missed Call movie.


Her performance is pretty flat. Didn't help that her character itself is pretty dull.


It's not her acting that made this movie the worst horror movie of 2017 so far. In fact, she was actually fine. It was the script, plot and pointless scenes that make this movie terrible. The first Ring movie was great for being a horror mystery, with a lore that makes it an excellent horror film. The second film knew not to go into the mystery again because we know what happened so it just focused on Getting rid of Samara completely. This film tries to hard to be a mystery again and uses pointless jumpscares and a weak, dull and hollow plot that makes this movie awful.


C mon man she was pretty terrible.
