Oven Cleaner

What was with the mom cleaning Etha with oven cleaner???


because she was crazy and was trying to kill Ethan

"What do you mean? Didn't I save you from those pirates yesterday?" Goldilocks


The chemicals would absorb into his skin I guess. Looked hella painful :(

[Everybody's happy nowadays]


It's called Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome. She was making Ethan sick so SHE could gain attention and sympathy as a mother and feel needed because Ethan was sick. It gives her a deluded sense of importance. It's one of the most harmful forms of child abuse.


i thought MBP mothers usually seek attention for thier caregiving? good movie.

Do enerything in Love. I Corinthians 16:14 NIV


Exactly. At one point her husband told Abby he had never been more proud of her when she was taking care of David while he was sick. She gains the glory and attention from being a "dedicated" mother.


I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure that she wasn't trying to 'clean' him, but to leave a chemical burn, that appeared to be a rash to anyone who didn't know better, so she could gain attention for taking care of such a 'sick' boy. But then, I'm not a doctor, nor am I a psychologist.


Ya... i was pretty sure that's what she was doing too... and i too am no docter!

"What is Andrea doing here?!"
