Really pointless

I hoped that this was at least good as the first Glass house but unfortunately I was wrong.

While the first Glass House had a story to follow and real twists, this was a creepy pointless acting. Only one twist in the story and, although the main characters were in a scary situation, the things seemed to go random, without a story to follow.

For me the ultimate dissappointment was to listen to the audio commentary of the DVD. There you can listent to the director and the producer of The Good Mother talking a lot about how fast they shoot the various movie parts, cutting away ideas and scenes only due to time and money problems.

I understand that movie-making is an industry and that behind a movie there are workers, unions, money, time, many problems to confront and so on.

But I think that the idea is also a vital component of a movie, and the fact that they do little talk about the plot to me is a red flag.

If you want a thriller with a believable story, believable characters and real twists rent the first Glass House movie (plus it has the beautiful Lelee Sobiesky in it, not that Jordan Hinson isn't a nice and beautiful teen ... but I find sister and brother of the first movie nicest)




Plots are not "ideas behind the movie". Plots are not themes or "morals" or "messages" of films. A plots is the series of actions and events that occur in the film. This is why it's ridiculous for anything but experimental films when someone says that it "had no plot".

A film need not have any point but to tell a good story. That's enough. It's also fine if a film only has a point of giving us a character sketch, or whatever. This film told a good story, albeit with a few things that were borderline plot holes--but overall it was solid and entertaining, with some pretty good performances, a killer setting, etc.

I hate when commentary tracks have folks talking about the plot of a film. I only watch commentaries after I've seen the film, in which case I know every friggin detail of the plot already--I just watched it!

I want interesting behind-the-scenes stuff in commentary tracks only.


I find this one better and easier to watch than the other one. I like this lead girl. the other lead girl got on my nerves.

Reading the paper can really be depressing. Mr. Dithers fired Dagwood again.
