First Son...

Sorry I did not have a chance to catch the first part, what happend to the first son David, I think thats his name. They found his backpack in the woods right?


He drowned. But I got confused at some point. From the photo album, it looked like they took in a lot of foster children. How could they do that without anyone getting suspicious? I assume David their first child was their own. I wonder if the mother killed him like the others or if his death caused her to be so crazy. Was that explained and I missed it?

Tomorrow's just your future yesterday!


I think when the mother headed up killing David, the father "drowned" David to protect his wife. I think he took David's death the hardest.


david was also a foster child
raymond showed a picture to abby of david and he was asian....their first kid was tyler..the kid who drew the picture abby saw in the room


I believe "Tyler" was their first, and possibly natural, son. I'm wondering if maybe he legitimately took sick on his own and ended up dying. Afterwards, they kept taking in foster sons, which she eventually made sick to care for like she did her own child. If I remember correctly, David had an open window in his bedroom. My own thinking was that maybe David realized the mother was making him sick, and tried to run away. (Hence the backpack). Maybe since it was nighttime he fell in to the river by accident.

Again, this is purely speculation as to what may have led up the the events in the movie.


Just clarifying a bit on their sons, Tyler was their first and, yeah, I also think it was theirs by nature. Anyways, Tyler died for some reason and, I'm not sure why (maybe the wife's mental need for... a child? ... to kill a child?), they adopted a foster child, which the wife poisoned and died. Then came another and another, until we reach David, who I, also, believe must have escaped, hence the open window. After David died, Eve and Raymond adopt Ethan and Abby.

*This is proven in the scene where Abby is in "their previous' son's" room. She is searching around and finds a photo album with the first page saying "Our Son Tyler" and many photos of a blonde child (including a picture of the boy in bed with soup and tea). That is followed by around 4 more "Our Son..." with pictures of the said child, especially one of them in a bed with soup and tea. (That would be the poisoned soup and tea). The Asian David is also shown in these pictures.


I'm thinking your speculation is a good one....this is what I got out of it as well.


it's very possible that their first and biological son Tyler died a natural death. conditions like munchausen are often triggered by receiving sympathy from a genuine ailment and then faking or deliberately inducing further illness to regain that feeling. of course it's also possible the condition was triggered by an illness Tyler recovered from and then she began poisoning him after to return to the scenario

as for David, I'd agree he probably made a run for it, although it's also possible that she lost her temper and killed him then either passed it off as an accident or suppressed the memory and genuinely believed it to be an accident

I don't care, I'm still free. You can't take the sky from me...


Actually, David was the Goodes' previous foster child before they adopted Abby and Ethan. Before David, there were others.
