
Hi i have the pc version of the game and im stuck on a certain part. I have just done the part with the professor and im in like a really big street. There are lots of soldires and humans. I have ogtten up to the point with the army tent and i have found the "exit" but when i gte to it the door doesnt open and the sign just flickers. There is also a tank.

Please help


You must defeat the tank. You then have to climb into it. After this, you will be ambushed by soldiers. They only have a few bazookas, so it will take you five minutes. The door will open almost as soon as you enter the tank.


How do you though actually defeat the tank


Use the atomic fart, or gut grenades. if you run out, some humans will appear after a while and you can eat them.


i was stuck in that part for so long, thinkin i had to possess a soldier or somethin, but none were around. finally worked it out by gut bombing the tank. I feel ya dog, i feel ya.

"When There Is No More Room In Hell, The Dead, Will Walk The Earth."

