David Bortolucci

Is he in this movie? if so what role? anyone



Thank you Demon




i think he had a bit part. like the majority of all his work.

apparently people are not allowed to write opninons about an actor unless they are professions of love and adoration. but in MY OPINION this actor, david bertolucci, is not a good actor. see his work... it speaks for itself.


MY OPINION dandanthemovieman( or should I say Jennifer White) its very apparent that you are going out of the way here, to be mean. ,its personal thing you have with David and now you are trying to hurt. (The only post you have ever made
on IMDB are about David.)
You must be a real winner in life. David's work does speak for itself!
and I am a fan.One of many.

Keep on Bashing David, if it make you happy.
