MovieChat Forums > WWE Royal Rumble (2006) Discussion > So much for experimentation

So much for experimentation

Looks like the typical 'Triple H vs. new main event star' WrestleMania match is going to happen afterall.

Edge brought the highest ratings to Raw in a long time as champion.

It's pure politics.


It's exactly what I said in my predictions thread. Edge's title run was NEVER about Edge.

My mind knows not the state of tiredness


Why even do the title switch?

Angle's title win was more about getting him off of Raw so Triple H could easily slide in.


Angle said he was displeased about how he was been used on Raw.

Well perhaps the laws of physics cease to exist on your stove.


Why even do the title switch?

The reason was actually explicitly stated the night after New Year's Revolution. Cena loused up one of his best promos in months by saying (these are not the exact words, but it is an accurate gist) "A few people may not like me, but everybody thinks you're a ho!" to Lita. That's why they hotshotted the belt to Edge - a "few people" started booing Cena, so they had him chase the title against a cocky heel champion...for 3 weeks. If they had waited until Mania to put it back on him, they might have regained his crowd favor. As it is, the crowd response to his entrance tonight was really lax and the crowd was almost dead the entire match, save a few "Cena!" chants, though there was also "Let's go Edge!" By Mania, if not before, he'll be getting booed out of the building all over again.

Vinnie Mac has to realize he's now losing huge amounts of viewers to 24. It's the exact same target demo. Edge caters to that demo (18-35 males). Cena, to put it mildly, does not. Frankly, he'll be lucky to not be getting XPac heat by Mania. The match tonight was his best in several months, but that's not saying ****.

My mind knows not the state of tiredness


i feel sorry for edge. i mean it toke him a very long time to get to the top and when he put in so much work and finally got there, he lasted 3 weekes. i have to imagine he is quite disapointed.
