Question Royal Rumble

Why didnt they have the Royal Rumble at the end of the show so that they could make the crowd excited for Rey Mysterio winning the Rumble?


Presumably to make Taker's appearance more important. Which is bollocks, because he's done the same thing about five times in the last two years, and this is arguably the biggest win of Rey-Rey's career.

My mind knows not the state of tiredness


no clue what the hell wwe creative is thinking. the rumble should ALWAYS be the main event, especially if the match is in the title of the ppv. the reason it wasnt was because they do not have time 4 taker to break apart the ring like he did and put it back together for another match. plus gregory helms cruserweight champ when he lost 2 lawler a month ago, who lost 2 coach who lasted 45 secs in the rumble? that makes helms really bad. i understand its nothing to do with helms just wwe's decision on who is winning the matches.



They killed Mysterio dead, Randy Orton wining sucked. I guess WWE can't stand the idea of two faces wrestling for the world title at mania, or Mysterio or Cena would have to turn heel. Like austin at 17.

I had a dejavue moment tonight while watching Raw. I was thinking about how Marty Jannetti came back almost 12 months ago (Time flies doesn't it?) but was released because of the DWI incident, anyway I was wondering if he would come back, I would love to see him full time, because I recorded his 2005 match with Angle that was one of his best career singles matches. So anway the gay cheerleaders are beating up Michaels and my first thought was, okay so Janetti will run in and make the save right? In a few seconds of that thought here he comes and they clean house.

You know you have spent too many years watching pro wrestling when you can predict the match outcome and see a swerve angle before it happens without having to
go to a website like and read the results before the show airs.

I just finished typing and RVD and Show lost the triple threat match to HHH.

HHH goes over RVD for the title shot at Mania.

Orton takes Mysterios title shot away for Mania.

Well the two guys I would like to see main event Mania have been knocked out in a two day span. Anyone else feel disgusted?


yeah that was *beep* they hype the crap out of rvd returning then he loses! what the hell kinda finish is that? and having rey mysterio lose to randy orton? thats a bunch of bs!i cant belive how stupid the wwe is! at least TNA treats their wrestlers good, they know what their doing, the guys who deserve time get it and those that dont deserve it dont! like christian, he just came over there and now he's got the NWA championship. jeff hardys doing good, rhynos doin good, the dudleys are one of the main tag teams, they have good matches in TNA, they innovate, its kinda like ECW and WWE mixed together


All TNA needs is one little mistake by WWE. If RVD and Mysterio become dissapointed with WWE, you can bet TNA will scoop them up quickly.

I wonder if the WWE thinks that RVD and Mysterio will never leave. Like they
have no other company to work for.

Another thing, it seems like they are going to turn RVD heel. Like they are going for the frustrated wrestler angle like they have done before with Owen Hart when he turned heel. No one has said anything yet. But RVD's personality seems
to have changed, like he is becoming bitter. I don't want to see him as a heel
but I expect him to go heel eventually.
