I knew u would pull through!! gjob everyone


You do not know how happy it makes me that Crash won over Brokeback. Crash was the far superior film and it really deserves Best Picture.

-I gave birth to a pterodactyl.
-Oh my god, did it sing?



What was Brokeback? It was honestly nothing but a love story. And the only reason that everyone wanted it to win is because it was about two men falling in love. It was not that spectacular of a movie. I'm not saying it was a bad movie, it was good, but it should not have won over Crash. Crash was fantastic. It had a better story, better writing, better cinematography. It was the better movie.

I also agreed with Resse Witherspoon winning. She really really surprised me in Walk the Line. I never thought she could be that good. Now i didn't see Macrh of the Penguins, but even if Enron was more thought provoking Journalsim, is that the most important thing? As far as i know March of the Penguins was about this great journey that these penguins make. It is something that probably 95% of the population have no clue of. Are you saying that that is not important? We know about Enron and what happened there. Documentaries are (in my mind) suppose to show or expose something that the public really is not very informed on. Enron was not that.

-I gave birth to a pterodactyl.
-Oh my god, did it sing?



Why do you think Crash is superior?

I've watched both and I have to say while Crash was good, Brokeback is wonderful and timeless.
Crash had way too many f-words in it (183, I think, I looked that up BTW and didn't actually count myself) that it took away from the dialog and story plus I didn't think it was all that captivating, the best bits were the song 'In The Deep' and the speech at the beginning.
Whereas most of the people I've talked to that have seen Brokeback have seen it and been enthralled by it multiple times, sometimes 7 or more!
I think a movie that can be seen and enjoyed that many times deserves the Oscar.

Just because you don't understand it doesn't mean it isn't so.

