Fight... *SPOILER*

Anybody like Fernando's and Tomás's fight yesterday? ;D


Felt bad for Tomas, he really took a beating. (Even though the fight looked really fake!)


What was strange was that Luigi didn't get a "mimiski" when he saw Tomás.


I think he was more concerned about Irma. Speaking of Luigi, I felt it was very endearing to see the "human" side of him.


Once again, I don't think the way this Fernando character is acting is endearing or funny. He was acting like O.J. or some sort of crazy abusive boyfriend. I hope he gets dumped and dissed by both Marcia and Lety. Another thing stupid about this telenovela (and please correct me if I'm wrong about the plot, since I'm not fluent in Spanish)-- if Fernando/Omar/whoever is afraid that Lety is working for Tomas's company, the company should've fired her or disciplined her by now. What kind of company would keep on an employee who's working for a competitor?


They aren't afraid she's working with Tomas. Lety actually owns the company (which they started with Fernando's money, but its in her name. She and Tomas have built it up with investments.) They are afraid that Tomas will influence her into working against them. Conceptos (Fernando's company)is deeply in debt to FilmoImagen ("Lety's" company). They can't get rid of her because she's the only one that can fix the financial problems.



Wow! That bizarre, nonesensical tirade made my brain hurt :(



I'm not trying to flame. Believe me. I Just don't know what "Lola Wall of
Lamentation Israeli" is supposed to mean.

In addition LFMB is just a soap opera... Not real life. There's really no need to freak over whether they are gossips or not. It's just all meant in good fun.


I like the fact that the story line isn't solely fixated on the Letty/Ferny characters. By incorporating the other character's storylines makes the show much more interesting and complex. Personally if everything was solely about Letty/Ferny, I'd get really bored.

If you don't like how the show is being presented, don't watch. Problem solved!



Again, I will say, if you do not like the way in which the show is going, don't watch it. And secondly nobody has been rude. La Fea Mas Bella is a SHOW, it is FANTASY not REALITY!


Yes, it is obvious that non of us speak any English and that we are all making $5.00 an hour. I would write a longer response but, aside from my vocabulary being so limited, my arms are tired from swiming and I can't continue typing.

P.S: You are a racist and an ignoramus and I feel very, very sorry for you. I will mention you tonight in my prayers but God may only understand English so I guess you are screwed :)


Perhaps you should take your own advice on being rude to people, or was that just a little twist of irony after your rant on Mexicans? I find it amazing that in one paragraph, you have the nerve to make so many racist and unintelligent remarks about a group of people, and then admit to liking a show that they produce.
Maybe you should notice that most of the postings here are peaceful, and your comments are ridiculous and unwelcome.


The amazing thing is that this person seems to have registered only to make this comment. Just look at the date (12/2) and how many comments s/he has made (just the one). At least one can always click on the "ignore postings from" link.

I'm in awe of how many people that supposedly hate LFMB still watch it. I guess masochism runs rampant. Oh well...


Yes, "La Fea más Bella" is criticized so much, you wonder how it ever gets its high ratings. Of course there there are a whole bunch of people who just plop themselves down on the couch and turn on the TV and try to find something to criticize. It's like they don't have anything better to do.

And one a show like this comes out, they watch it to try to find and criticize the bad points, when they should applaud the good ones. Seriously, if you don't like the show, shut up and stop watching it. Plain and simple. Because here we get bombarded with so many bad points of "La Fea más bella," it hardly leaves room for comments from us people who LIKE the show. It's OK to point out bad points in a show and stuff, but for some people, that's all they do.

And when they only show the bad things about it, either the ratings go down, or even MORE people watch the show to try to find something else to criticize.

If you don't like the show, stop offending people and quit watching it.


And, yeah,why did you delete your post? Afraid to leave it up there? :- S


Great job everyone!


I missed the last two deleted posts. Probably all for the best. And I agree... It's almost bizarre that people can harbor such hatred for a show but continue to watch it. Personally I love the show. So sue me ;-)
It's really nice, after a hard day's work, to come home and laugh it up with LFMB.



I too am amazed by the postings of some people, it really is a shame that they could have such negative attitudes about things. The hatred displayed is deplorable.

I never could understand the point of getting so worked up about a tv show. I will be sad when it ends though, the show is such an emotional roller coaster! You have to love the goofiness of the characters, they sure can lift my mood when I'm having a bad day. I have to admit that I even "enjoy" crying right along with Lety in the heartbreaking episodes.


I'm with you. Some people's igonarance is pretty amazing. However, we that post that was deleted, I got the feeling that while the person was a true racist, 90% of what was written was just to get our goat. I mean, it's pretty silly to say something about us (hispanics)not learning English when it's obvious in this forum that we do and do it well (modestia aparte...) and the whole comment about children, being paid $5/hr, etc; to me it was just a way this person was trying to get people to counter attack point for point and to start an ugly flame war. In the end, it was this person who looked silly and here we are still discussing the show we all like :)


And "Felices Fiestas" (Happy Holidays) everyone! ;-)
