More titles like THIS, PLEASE!!!!

List as many similar titles as you can think of please!!

Thanks a lot!!! Absolutely LOVED It.


Try "Katakuri-ke no Koufu ku" (IMDB accused me of swearing so I separated the "ku" - but it's part of the whole word), in English "The Happiness of the Katakuris". It's a comedy musical with similar madness to this. It's in Japanese and was directed by Takeshi Miike in 2001.

Try other Park Chan-wook films also.


I'd really recomend the Indian film Enthiran ("Robot"). More of an action comedy, but it's equally, if not more, crazily and visually hilarious.



If you check out Takeshi Miike's films, I need to warn you, some of them are pretty disturbing (Visitor Q, Ichi the Killer...). Katakuris is a good suggestion though. It's actually a remake of the Korean dark comedy QUIET FAMILY, by Kim Ji-woon (who also directed one of my favorite horror films: A TALE OF TWO SISTERS).

I would recommend SAVE THE GREEN PLANET, by Jang Joon-Hwan. Korean filmmakers love to mix tragedy and comedy, naïveté and violence, although sometimes with confusing results (Gwoemul). Another good film that mixes genres is MEMORIES OF MURDER, a Se7en-type thriller with a lot of dark humor and social commentary.

Also, you should definitely see OLDBOY, Park Chan-wook's best film in my opinion, although not at all like Cyborg.

For more info on Korean cinema, check out


See, Miike is an acquired taste...Ichi for example, loved it...but I didn't find it disturbing because the violence is SO over the top that it crosses into "Evil Dead" almost comedy-style violence (I always remember the scene where a complete and untouched face flies out of a room and slides down a wall or when that chick tries to hit on him and he off's her...bloody classic). I did however find Miike's "Audition" to be monumentally disturbing, probably his lowest key movie...the violence is extreme but it's limited to a certain section and is just brutally uncomfortable. I remember actually feeling sick in that scene where the chick pukes in a bowl and feeds her mutilated dog-man-in-the-bag "thing" with it.


"I have often laughed at weaklings
who thought themselves good because
they had no claws."


Thanks a million for the suggestions. Much appreciated!!

Please don't stop there though as I've seen most of the above titles you've mentioned. Bar -The Quiet Family- which i look forward to.. CHEERS!
As i'm sure you know the quirkyness starts getting hard to find after a while.

Here are a few i can suggest to return the favor in case you haven't seen them already?

Funky Forest-The First Contact
Monday (Hiroyuki Tanaka)
Survive Style 5+
Shark Skin Man & Peach Hip Girl
Strange Circus
Suicide Club (Jisatsu Saakuru)
Taste Of Tea
Zoo (2005)
2LDK (Yukihiko Tsutsumi)
Dog Bite Dog

(Not quite the same style exactly but i've gone blank so i'll get back to you.
They are all CLASSICS though)

Thanks again!!!


Did you mean man bite dog as opposed to dog bit dog?


No Dog Bite Dog.. link below.



MistressNikki, thanks A MILLION for the -Welcome to the quiet Room- recommendation.
What an absolute flucken classic!!!!!

I nearly wet myself!! If you can suggest any more it would be greatly appreciated.




And I rhink Welcome to the Quiet Room is much better movie than Cyborg


Love Me If You Dare


Thematically I think Cronenberg's Spider is the closest I have seen to Cyborg:

Visually, I thought the Thai movie Citizen Dog was pretty close and thematically somewhat like Taste of Tea and Survive Style 5+


Lars and the Real Girl - again deals with delusions as a young man believes a sex-doll is his new girlfriend. It's very sweet and quite brilliant.

Welcome to Dongmakgol - Another Korean film. This time it deals with soldiers who find a small village where they do not know what weapons are. The film is very magical in ways similar to Studio Ghibli films (check them out if you haven't already).


It honestly reminded me of Amelie. It you have not seen that definately check it out.

check out 3 iron-- also a Korean movie.

I really loved I'm a Cyborg too.


"Attack the Gas Station" is another great example of Korean cinema. Great comedy/action mix about 4 "youths" who take over a gas station for night. :)


After seeing this I immediately thought of Amelie too.. :) beautiful little film. It's truly sad how many of these films just pass over Western audiences...for example I usually have to fight with people for ages to convince them to watch Oldboy with me, so many people hate reading subs and I generally refuse to watch most dubs. Once they see it they're in love, but getting them to sit down and watch through it takes hours of convincing :P


"I have often laughed at weaklings
who thought themselves good because
they had no claws."


One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest. Just reminded me loads of that.

Kaneda... what can you see?


Benny and Joon.

Some people never go crazy. What truly horrible lives they must lead


Hombre mirando al sudeste

This movie is in spanish.I don´t konw if it has english subtitles.

A patient in a mental hospital claims to be an extraterrestial.
Could he be right?

Oscar from Rosario City
