What bugs me...

I did not finish the game yet, I am below the library at the moment, with the enemies that crawl on walls. This is what kind of annoys me about the game - the enemies.

I understand the storyline. Some high frequency sound makes your brain melt and go insane, all agressive and stuff, drug addicts and crackheads who see you as their enemy, but if that is the story then the game makers should not try to implement enemy characters from others games, just because they are scary. The gangsters with she skis masks, the sun glasses etc - I am completely fine with that.

But Zombie like people, crawling on the wall and ceiling, all white eyes, pale skin, jumping from hights on you, etc.... come on! This totally detroys the atmosphere. You're not fighting the t-virus mutants, you're fighting humans.

Also, from the game it seems like the city is the most dangerous place in the world, where there are insane, violent people everywhere, the subway, abandoned shops where psychos act like puppets, libaray...sheesh


Also, from the game it seems like the city is the most dangerous place in the world, where there are insane, violent people everywhere, the subway, abandoned shops where psychos act like puppets, libaray...sheesh

Pretty scary atmosphere for a game, isn't it!

I have to I was pretty freaked out playing this game. I started looking under every cardboard box in the subway to make sure no one would jump out at me. The game was already pretty scary, and they go and add in these zombie-like people crawling on pipes and floors, that was like the icing on the cake. From there on I was on the edge of my seat ready to switch off the 360 incase something scared me enough to make my heart stop.

It is better to keep your mouth shut and look stupid, than to open it and remove all doubt.


The weird crawling things aren't real, its all in his head. My theory is he's on experimental drugs for his bone condition, the side affect makes him think ordinary people are monsters

Everybody circle up. 4,5 on 3, Ready? 1,2,3: 4,5!!!


All of this is further explained in the second game.

I'm not an actor. I just play one on TV.

