Eddie's Accent

Let me start off my saying that Eddie Izzard is one of my favorite comedians, so none of the following is meant as a jab at him.

So last night I watched the first episode of The Riches. I thoroughly enjoyed it and can't wait to watch the rest of the series. However, I find Eddie's accent a little distracting. As I said, I'm a huge fan of his, so I don't mean his accent in general. I just mean that he is part of a group from the South people speak with a southern accent (and being from that area myself, a lot of them sound authentic), yet he talks with his British accent. I'm aware that he was an outsider and was raised by the Travelers, but I would imagine that if he was young enough and had an accent at all he would have lost it and developed one like theirs over time. So do they explain why he talks the way he does or do I need to just not think as much and pretend he sounds southern as well?


I have seen a lot of Eddie Izzard shows and films. I'm a huge fan of his and have been for about 20 years. However, I think he'd be the first to admit that accents aren't his strongest point. I loved this show but I don't think he sounded right, and that's more due to him not being too good rather than the character background I think. I can ignore that though as Eddie always makes shows more fun to watch!


I actually thought he did a great job. I convinced myself that I had confused him with another comedian who was English... Until I checked IMDb. Maybe his southern accent isn't that great; I live in Seattle so am not an expert. But he does sound American.
