Last Chapter

My niece and I were watching the movie. It was ok. But the DVD started messing up on the last chapter of it. All we got was that he was trying to promote some sort of cream that keeps you looking young and was about to, I think, make an info-mercial. Could someone please tell me what happens.


He promotes his wrinkle cream and it seems like his business is doing well -- he also no longer works late like he did at the start of the movie. Then it shows him still living with his sidekick, who's running an online gambling company where people bet community service hours. The last scene has the main guy on a date with a new girl. The ending shows him happily moving on with his life.


you missed the bit where they go to Iraq to fight insurgents.


Funny, the DVD started to mess up in the final chapter too for me. DVD company goof, I pressume?
