I meet the directer!

I was at resterahnt and saw him at salad bar. He was mad at resturant because they had no caesar dresing, he say "That us only kind of drerssing i use'.

Which i thuoght it was funny, becuase in teh doom House: Deluxe Dvd,, he is seen eating salad in the courthose cafetetrea talkeng to the dectetive (i think his name is bulkowsky} and his salad had RANCHE dresing in it! Talk abot a hippocrit! lol rofl


WHAT A HACK! He makes one movie and keeps remaking and rereleasing it voer and over for more $$$ (like George lucas!) but then his website makes fun of a GENIOS like Kevin Smith F%&^ HIM

EDIT: I'm sorry, I like Doom House but I get angry sometimes and lose control when I think about how unfair it is that Doom House contained so few people of color. Also, diversity behind the camera is important too like BRavo commercials say. I bet only white people worked on DH [rollseyes]


No i said ranche,, not blue chese.


oh srry


no i'm l33t. yuo just cant say Doom hose sux cause ther is only one lateno in it!?!?


When I said "people of color" I meant black people, duh.


Black is'nt a colur, doh


u r a racist


YUOR cALLING ME A RACEST>? How can i eb a racest if im' white?



some pretty obvious sarcasm there



doom house is a comedy movie that's a poorly done horror movie but poorly done on purpose and in a funny way.



wtf r u talking about

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