MovieChat Forums > The Damned (2006) Discussion > DVD Cover Rips Off Night Watch

DVD Cover Rips Off Night Watch

The DVD cover for The Damned is a complete ripoff of the American version of the Night Watch movie poster and DVD cover. Just thought it was interesting.


Or doesn't even come close.


It doesn't look anything like it dummy. Besides the Damned came out months before nightwatch. There's a lionsgate cover that rips off The Damned called The Feeding and that crap comes out in two months.Talk about a rip off.


Uh yeah, Night Watch was released in the United States in mid February 2006, while The Damned hit straight to video in July 2006. That would be months LATER my good dummy. Oh, and the face breaking away like stone aside a group of winged creatures, bats instead of pidgeons, shares a STRIKING resemblence to the American Night Watch poster and DVD cover.
