MovieChat Forums > Lost Signal Discussion > Unintentionally Hilarious!

Unintentionally Hilarious!

This movie made me laugh so much! It was unintentionally hilarious with bad acting and funny lines! I must say I was entertained for an hour and a half just not the way the makers wanted!


I particularly liked the part with the cows.


For those who don't know, that dialogue about the cows actually did occur with the 911 operator in the real-life case that inspired this film.

Janelle Hornickel and Michael Wamsley were the real-life couple to whom this drug induced tragedy happened. Both of them died in real-life and nobody was killed. I think the filmmaker should have stuck to the true events, as they're even creepier. Here's a couple links about their horror story: (video with some of the actual 911 calls) (article)

"Don't get chumpatized!" - The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters (2007)


I couldn't say if it was indeed unintentional or intentional but I agree with you, it was hilarious.
The best scenes were definitely the calls between Nancy from 911 and Kevin ("So you're lost and you're at your apartment, is that correct?" "Yes!").
Anyway, the end spoiled everything unfortunately. If the "Evil Tiffany" thing from the end had not been there, I would probably have recommended the movie to a few friends. Now I won't because it doesn't make sense and makes the viewer feel angry :(

