Ending (spoiler)

In the end, Owen tells Caleb that he will not fight with Lawrence Connor and is shown running away & later sitting down to catch his breath. However just before the end titles, his facial expressions change from a defeated to a determined look.

Is he willing to start the fight again for Caleb?

So much to see, so little time!


According to interviews and post-screening Q&As with the writer/director, he deliberately left it open to interpretation. There is no right or wrong answer.

Maybe he simply ran away and decides not to deal with it anymore. Or maybe he decides to fight. We don't know for sure. It is left for the viewer to decide.

Hint: the film is slightly autobiographical, so you could say that "Owen" eventually writes and directs a movie about it.


This is a pen. This is a PEN!


I like that explanation, Larry. Thanks.
Let me tell you a little story. You're an idiot!


Being the optimist, I thought that in the end Owen chooses to fight. But that's what open ending is all about!

It is amazing that such a young team made an engrossing film on a common topic. If you compare this film with say Sideline Secrets, the difference becomes glaring. Coincidentally, I watched both these films on consecutive days without knowing that they were on the same topic!

So much to see, so little time!
