Wilderness Camp

D: This movie made me slightly paranoid about wilderness camps.

Especially when my friend is suppose to be going to one. (I don't know if she's gone to it already, or not. I lost contact with her.)


Those camps DO NOT work.

My friend went to one for anorexia and came back all churchy and everything, saying she loved her life and wasn't going to starve herself or have sex or party anymore.

Then a couple weeks later she went back to everything she did and then some. She's seeing a guy who's been wit his girlfriend for a year, has an even worse body image, chain smokes, and refuses to come to school.

The very idea that someone would send a loved one to one of those is just stupid. How can anyone with any common sense honestly think that sending someone to a facility for x amount of days can completely change someone's mindset- the way they've been thinking their entire lives.

Those places are cut off from the rest of the world- once you leave you still have all the things you didnt take care of to deal with. The people at those places are trained professionals, they have degress in psycology and social work and have tons of experience dealing with those types of people, when you get out of their no one is like that. Parents wuold like to think they are, but if so then why did would they even send their kid there in the first place? Also the other people at the camps are a lot like you, so there's not a lot of judgement and everyone is coming from similar places.

If anything, they mess you up even more. I read about a girl who went to one of those places a couple years ago and the guys that worked there used to rape them when they were supposed to do bed checks. Superstars!

If I could fly away from all the pain and fear, tell me- why would I still be standing here?


i swear thats based on that show brat camp!! remember? with all thos bratty english girls and blokes and stuff. the "rebels"? remember!


An update on my friend- she seems to have a better body image, and the guy she was seeing wasn't him after all. It was actually this guy that was 22 and they were having sex and stuff. Her parents found the text messages they sent each other and now the guy is being tried for statutory rape. He's not in jail right now, the trial is in a little but now he stalks her at the mall and stuff she's all paranoid that he's going to kill her. Her life wasn't this dramtic before she went to the camp. All that was wrong with her before is that she was anorexic (not saying that isn't bad it's a helluva lot better than what she's going through now).

If I could fly away from all the pain and fear, tell me- why would I still be standing here?


"Those places are cut off from the rest of the world- once you leave you still have all the things you didnt take care of to deal with."


Personally, I believe my friend's parents didn't want to deal with the fact she was depressed, and struggled with suicide and hearing voices. They probably were afraid she was going to turn out like her brother, who really didn't do much after he graduated from High School. Well, that's from what I know. Her parents planned to send her to a boarding school after she went through the wilderness camp.

I'm not the one to critize how parents raise their child, but I don't see how this is going to help her. What she needs is is a therapist to talk to, as well as her friends to be there for her. How is throwing a depressed teenager girl in the middle of nowhere going to help her? I'd probably feel alone, especially when I am seperated from my friends, family, as well as my usual surroundings. It'd probably be more benefital to send your child to a mental insistution of some sort, because at least there they are getting some sort of help.


It probably doesn't help much that all the other people there are in similar situations to you. (ie depressed, suicidal, drug addicted, etc)
Negative thoughts are contagious, and the more that people around you are depressed, etc, the more you'll feel it too!
Send her to clown school, or something, with a friend, where there is plenty of laughter, which is also contagious


It also doesn't help when people who aren't fully ready to go back to their homes go back. Your enviroment has a lot to do with how you're brought up. If you fall into a "bad" crowd, then come back after going to something like that, it becomes that much harder to get away from that.

What is a circumcision?
It's the latest craze. The ladies love it!
I'll take one.
I'll take two!


I actually got sent to wilderness in 2004 and it worked for me. I mean it sure as hell doesn't work for everybody but I was pretty bad and it changed my life. I think it's really important to do follow up stuff which is what I did...an RTC and step down program cause wilderness is only designed as an intervention, not to be the entire treatment process.



I could understand a parent wanting to send their child or loved one to a treatment center. That makes more sense to me. A treatment center is more well-equipped to deal with certain situations such as suicide ideation, panic attacks, etc. When someone is thrown into the wilderness, how much one-on-one time do they have with a therapist? Wilderness Program is based around groups---communication with me, living with them, etc. I feel that in some cases, like with my friend, needed a therapist. Going from two sessions of therapy to a wilderness program and boarding school is a big jump. There were many things that her parents could of tried---inpatient, outpatient, group therapy, different therapist, etc. What I am trying to say is that wilderness programs and boarding school need to be the last resort. There is no way that you can send your child to two therapy sessions and expect them to be healed. (Which is what happen with my friend---her parent sent her to two or thee therapy sessions, stopped, and decided that sending her away was a brilliant idea. When she talked to me about her problems, she would tell me that she just wanted someone there for her. She wanted her parents to listen. She wanted her other friends to care. You don't need to spend three-thousand dollars a month to achieve that.)

I believe that a lot of students starts to improve simply based on the fact that they are pulled away from the situation. I want to know if these programs are teaching the children how to deal with the situation once they are released from the program and go home. What is stopping the child from going home, and finding out that their parents and peers are the same? This could be similar to drug addicts who relapse and fall back into old patterns when they go back home to the same situation. A lot of drug addicts become sober for a few months, but relapse because they find themselves in the same house, with the same people, and the same problems as before.

Maybe I am worried about my friend.

She'll go back to school. Her peers were verbally and sexually abusive.

Her brother is a manipulative bastard who took her advantage of her when it came to money, items, etc.

Her parents are not that supportive. They want things to be fixed now.

Or her friends. What is to say that the changed?

Even if her family did change, there is the chance that they will be walking on eggshells around her. When she came from break they treated her like royalty----took her out to dinner, bought her stuff, etc. That is more than they did before they sent her away.


@akittystang: correction, it did not help YOU. sure helped me though. i'm thankful my parents sent me off cuz i definitely would have found some round-a-bout way of killing myself.

and for people criticizing the parents for being too lazy to handle their own kid: most of the parents are doing the best they can. but when their kid is out of control and they're scared for the child's life...well, can you blame 'em for wanting to get it nipped in the bud? i wouldn't want to have to watch my son or daughter destroy themselves from the inside out, all the while not knowing how to help. but that's just me.


Yep, that's right... One person fails so the entire gamut of OBS/Wilderness Camps don't work... Excellent statistical analysis.


I had that thought during the movie - putting all those bad teens together, what if somebody got raped and the employees didn't pick it up? I didn't even think of the employees doing it!

I'm sure that's rare though.

The camps are an interesting idea, I'm sure they work for some people and not others. For things like anorexia and depression - actual medical conditions - there are probably better forms of treatment. These camps should be for rebels without a cause.

I just had a brief google and it does seem they are quite controversial and some have really bad practices - like someone who hiked and wasn't given water and died - they should be careful.

I see it as a very last resort. I can see how it would be effective with some people though.


In more traditional countries, they don't have to ever go that far.
People respect their parents.


my friend went to one. i didnt know where she was for months. she came back and shes healthier and happier.


I actually went to a Wilderness Program.
Second Nature in Georgia for 2 months.
it sucked
