Rich white people

I think this movie was good and it did have a happy ending. But what about people who are just average people? I'm sorry but if I was cracked out or something my mother would have something other than send me to a camp across the country? What's that gonna solve?

My mom wouldn't have been a whiny crybaby about the whole thing. She probably would have kicked my ass out and said "have a nice life" Well probably not like that but it sure as hell wouldn't have been at some camp. There are nooo excuses for drugs and don't try to use that "oh it's teen thing" PA-LEASE, if her mother were actually being a mother instead of making a lot of money, then she probably wouldn't have been a druggie in the first place!

Who knows different strokes for different folks. Sometimes parents gotta let their kids actually grow up and find stuff out for themselves.


that was ridicoulous and un-called for.
get a life.


Yeah, I totally see your point. My mama wouldn't have sent me to some expensive camp either.


How was it uncalled for? It's the truth! Rich people do the least hands on thing because they're too concerned with making money. I know Augusta's mother loved her, but seriously she should have let her figure it out on her own. Not send her to some stupid camp. If you remember, the camp didn't do anything for her at all! So her mom wasted money on that too. It's just silly how this girl was sooo outta control that her mother couldn't do anything. So sad that she didn't have a good connection with her daughter. If she would have been a better mother, maybe should could have intercepted the drugs before they even happened. When growing up my parents knew where I was at all times. No if ands or buts. And if they were suspicious about any of my friends they checked around to see who they were. Drugs for for morons anyways. So Augusta deserved what she got. I'm glad she was able to figure things out for herself in the end.


well if a parent really loved their kid then thats why they would do anything to help them and Augusta didnt really deserve it, she just got into something bad and was actually happy to stop. And not all rich people only care about their money.


She should have known better. I don't believe in drug "problems" it's sad how people feel sorry for the losers who put the drug into their system and then get to go to rehab for their "problem" I dunno, I just have never grasped the concept of doing drugs. I mean, we're told from day one in kindergarten, that drugs kill. I mean really? Why would you seriously wanna put something up your nose, or use a needle? Is it really worth all that time and money for a simple high that's gonna make you feel like crap the next day? And then leads to social problems? Is it really worth it? And why should the people who don't do drugs be there to support these morons who do drugs? Doesn't make any sense to me. And we build these centers to help our friends in need. Good lord. It's not like no one forced the drugs down their throat.

As far as Augusta's mother, yeah she was single, and had money. But she was running a business and didn't have much time for her daughter. Perhaps she should have realized THE FIRST TIME her daughter was having the problems that she needed help or some kind of scare. Such a shame.


i agree with whoever posted "rich white people" and although people, who are mainly white, would say this is racist, it is but it is a understandable and completley appropriate racism. white people have a diffrent way of handling things then a black person would. i am mixed with black and white so i see the diffrence very clearly. my mother was white and her parents gave her everything and she turned to drugs and they sent her to a rehab that was more like a mansion to kick back in and do whatever besides drugs. my dad on the other tried weed once. never did it again because even though he was 15 and taller then my grandma, she kicked his butt real good. he said it was the best and worse swithcing of his life. the woman in the movie just "sent" her problem away because when you have money you could do that. pay someone to fix it instead of doing it yourself. i wish my child would call me rochelle unstead of mom and pulla knife on me, because regardless of cps, i would beat the *beep* out of her. and then gladly call the police for her so she could get the hell out of my house. a white person would just shake their head and say thats not the appropriate way to handle things while a black person may or may not agree, but would understand. there is a diffrence between black and white for all you color blind people. its not a bad diffrence either so dont think i am giving anyone permission to go kill someone because of their ethnicity, but theres a diffrence btween us and we are not the same and in all reality will never be treated as such.


And people stereotyping...are the reasons why so many are true.
Stop the train.


You don't understand because you haven't been in any position remotely similar to this. The first act of taking drugs is yes bad and stupid(although I didn't learn about this in Kindergarten lol) but drugs can change a person both mentally and physically to the point of where they can't function without it. It was her fault initially but it because a problem all on its own.


Ok i personally dont think she was happy to stop, she was still upset about everything that happened in the camp, and with her friend dying and all and with her mom. I think if she had the chance she would start doing drugs.


lol you make it into a racism thing.. you should be some cheap ass black girl/boy then


I think I understand where is the OP is coming from, though I would have to disagree that Augusta's behavior is exclusive to white people.

Augusta is supposed to represent the typical girl from a white, upper-middle class suburban family who rebels from this "norm" and falls into the darkside. The same thing could happen to a black girl from a well-heeled suburban family, but due to cultural differences, she wouldn't likely show it by dressing like a pale white goth chick.

People have to understand that Augusta's kind of rebellion is not unique to white suburbia. Rebellion occurs in all races, in all socio-economic statuses. Augusta, being from white suburban culture, just rebels the way people from those environments typically rebel.
In heaven, all of the interesting people are missing. --Nietzsche


Well, how did she get there int he first place? She had no respect for her mother whatsoever.

It surely did not just start all of a sudden.


First off she did what was right.
Augustus was manipulative, she was on her moms side when she wanted something and totally opposite the next moment.
The mother did the right thing, she sent her somewhere she would be safe and clean... especially because she was supposed to be 14 in this movie. On top of that letting a 14 year old deal with a sever drug problem on their own isn't smart...and by sending her away it separated her from that loser friend who left. If Augustus was home she could have died, or worse ran off with that dumb drugie friend of hers.


Ok i noticed that some people here are probably older than 18, so you've already experienced being a teenager right? But some people here are still going through it.

So the girl does drugs, its bad of course, but watch the movie again cause some of you obviously dont get the whole teen point of view. The reason the girl starts doing drugs IS CAUSE OF HER MOTHER, and school, and feeling insecure about her weight. It is a teen thing, because she was going through a rough time, the reason many teens do these things are because of feeling insecure or feeling out of place at home. I dont think the mother should have sent her to that camp, cause she started to cut herself.

I think the mother should have talked to her like a human being instead of OH YOU GET YOUR MATH TEST BACK TODAY, BLA BLA BLA. The mother knew from the beginning her daughter was unhappy she shouldnt be worried about her grades, or about what she wears.

And you said oh my mother would have kicked your ass well thats not going to solve anything.....

So the mother made alot of money what the hell does that got to do with anything. The daughter was still unhappy and the mother was too.


Ok i noticed that some people here are probably older than 18, so you've already experienced being a teenager right? But some people here are still going through it.

So the girl does drugs, its bad of course, but watch the movie again cause some of you obviously dont get the whole teen point of view. The reason the girl starts doing drugs IS CAUSE OF HER MOTHER, and school, and feeling insecure about her weight. It is a teen thing, because she was going through a rough time, the reason many teens do these things are because of feeling insecure or feeling out of place at home. I dont think the mother should have sent her to that camp, cause she started to cut herself.

I think the mother should have talked to her like a human being instead of OH YOU GET YOUR MATH TEST BACK TODAY, BLA BLA BLA. The mother knew from the beginning her daughter was unhappy she shouldnt be worried about her grades, or about what she wears.

And you said oh my mother would have kicked your ass well thats not going to solve anything..... If anything its only going to make matters worse, cause kids or teens that get hit often as a child, start to do drugs or drink achohol, i know this cause i know a girl who has sex, and does drugs, and smokes cigs, cause of her home life.

So the mother made alot of money what the heck does that got to do with anything. The daughter was still unhappy and the mother was too.


You said it right when you said that we all were teens. Things really haven't changed that much. It's just as awkward now as it was back then. It's just that now today's parents suck and don't teach their kids much of anything anymore.


wow..these movies about this kind of watching thirtenn while i was thirteen reminded me of some of my friends..meeting a new friend ditching thier old getting involved in wierd drugs and partying..and thier mothers trying so hard wasting money and stuff..kind of like my sis..i live in a rich neigborhood w/a gang of white ppl and alot of the ppl i no or hav heard of do this stuff.getting preganat going 2 rehab.but im not influenced but i guess thats becuz i havent lived here all my life...but they say theier life is so horrible while tlaking on theire RAZRs and listening to their ipods...its pretty stupid if u ask me

~curse my heart of gold~


You know what I'm talking about then. Granted I'm 31 and it's been while since I was a teen. But have a sister who went down the sex and partying road at a very young age. Makes no sense to me. But what I will say that we came from the same family. However, she was the youngest and the only girl and was spoiled rotten. I know her getting away with a lot and my parents giving her freedom had a lot to do with that. When I was that age I didn't hardly do anything. I went to school, got straight A's, played sports, etc. did what I was supposed to do. I didn't get wild till I got to college. :) And I still got A's hehe I still think that kids need to wait become a partiers. I couldn't imagine having sex in high school. ewwww Or telling my mom "no" or smarting off. Not in may day growing up in the 80's and early 90s.


ok.. i agree with the mom not doing her job as a mother thing...
BUT some kids just fall into it
im kind of one of thse kids
a couple years back..
all my problems started
all i wanted was a little bit of time
just to be problem free and have a way out
i started popping pills and doing drugs and even smoking AND drinking
it took me away
point is... even is her mother WAS being a mother
the problem could have been covered up
my father never left me alone
constantly searched me room (still does)
BUT he NEVER found anything
i even mastered the art of sneaking out at night
now i still smoke and drink and do some stuff once in a while
but it still passes by my father
and he is thurough like a drill sargent!
and in the movie
just her mom being home wouldnt have solved her problems
she fell in with the wrong crowd
made friends with the wrong people
tried to get away
and tried to have fun
but didnt know what fun REALLY was
and thats what happened...
take it from someone who has been there and is currently trying to get over that


No matter how much fun you wanna have or how much you want to "get away" drugs are never the answer. It doesn't matter what age you do it. However,if the kids are doing it, then the parents aren't doing a good job of keeping tabs on their children. Parents should be snoopy if they think their kids are up to something. Kids should be made to ask permission and call home. Not this "I'm going out crap" I don't get these kids who can do whatever they want whenever they want.



I just wanted to point out that I find the statement "understandable and completely appropriate racism" hilariously archaic.


hehehe good one stormy.


Yes. It was hilarious.

All racism is devoid of brains.


I don't pity kids like Augusta, who have a good life, free of "problems", "trouble" and things like that who CREATE problems for their selves because they need DRAMAAAA in their life. UGH!


I agree and disagree. Yes, she had a great family (as far as we could tell) but it's easy to be influenced by others, especially at a young age. Some people are great at not giving in, and others are not. Like my best friend. She started doing all the same things Augusta did, and well her life is not so great right now, but I don't judge her (plus she nowhere fits into the environment that Augusta had) but I try never judge anyone. People start using drugs for all kinds of reasons, even the most minute as "wanting to have fun" or something. Thing is, they need to get off of it, and they need help. If you just judge someone and aren't willing to help, then you will not feel anything for them. In my opinion that is not a good thing though.

Go Mischa/Marissa(2003-2006)
Wisdom is freedom


The mother did the right thing sending her daughter off to get help instead of trying to fix a problem she had no ideal how to fix.

But I will say parents today are not there for their kids. They are either wanting to be friends with their kids or they are too busy with their own personal problems.

Maybe if the mother and father actually talked, they would have found out Augusta was in trouble sooner.


Those sound like terrible parents then.

None of the families on the movie were rich so your rant is stupid, especially when drug addicts a lot of them do not come from rich families, and a lot of parents are more the willing to put theirselves into debt to help their child get the help that they need. Her mom was not a crybaby she was a loving parent, and work normal hours, and was willing to take off work for her children. You sound jealous of the kid in the movie.

No, it's called being a good parent and fixing the situation before it becomes a major problem, or the kid won't grow up at all.

26 // Navy Vet
