I'm a Little Angry

What makes me angry is that on the cast list, they put the main characters in the book, at like the bottom. Lori and Eric... Yeah. I hope they haven't totally mutilated this book like most film makers do.

"It's a great thing when you realize you still have the ability to surprise yourself." -Kevin Spacey.


chill dude. I'm sure it's about the characters' order of appearance in the movie.


Most anticipated 2007 films:
3:10 to Yuma- 10/12/07
American Gangster- 11/02/07


It's an alphabetical listing of actors.


Once again.... it must be explained. Books are books and films are something quite different from the other.

You can't make a film out of a book without adapting it to the new medium. Films are primarily visual, and books cerebral. You can "explain" and expound on thoughts in a book. In a film, you must "show" what is happening and what people feel and think.

I don't know of a single successful film that slavishly followed the text of the book that inspired the film. There are always necessary changes to the story and dialog.

The beauty is... the book remains intact, as one enjoyed reading it. Nothing about the film making process changes that. So, it's endlessly interesting to watch what a creative film maker does with the original story, how it's adapted and how it evolves.


yea but that doesnt mean they have to butcher the book.

I'm a master of fright, and a demon of light



WOW! Thank you so much for a rare and welcomed intelligent reply. Good to know I'm not the only one left with a shred of common sense. I'm so tired of hearing "the book was better" that pseudo-intellectuals spew repeatedly like parrots. Of course the movie HAS to be different from the book. It's called an ADAPTATION. Imagine a movie that follows a book word for word. A page of script equals about a minute of screen time...imagine 400 minute film or if it's a Stephen King book then 800 minute film! People would hate it and say it was boring ("omg it's EXACTLY like the book, they should have changed some stuff"). Clearly the book is still there for enjoyment as you pointed out so why the bitching? It's the same for the idiots who cry about remakes for movies. If you don't like the remake, don't watch/buy it and you can always watch the original, they don't ban it or anything, so why is it a crime against humanity if someone wants to remake a movie? They remade "psycho". I haven't seen it and probably never will, but I wasn't angry that someone did it. It's still a free country(isn't it?) so people are allowed to express themselves through their art, even if it's a remake or a movie adaptation. You don't like it, don't watch it. Movie too long and boring for you? Well, that's why God created youtube.

"everybody wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die"
