MovieChat Forums > Sairen (2006) Discussion > This movie could have been SO MUCH BETTE...

This movie could have been SO MUCH BETTER

The first 40 minutes were great, picture looks beautiful, scenery and everything, than the director got drunk or stupid I guess, that crappy actress kept losing her little brother, that was all Ill remember fromt his movie, that and her screaming for him every 10 mins....

Anyhow...the Shibitos (The undead villagers) could have been done better and scarier and the movie should have been more like the games. Too bad. I guess that's why it's rated 5.5, still worth a look though.


I agree, the beginning was really good too bad it went so horrible downhill from there

When there's no more room in hell, The dead will walk the earth...


I disagree this movie was great, actually it was a masterpiece for those who know what horror feels like.


"MASTERPIECE"?? yeah! Sure!...


LOL @masterpiece, Try playing the game dude, and then you can compare to which one's better, although the game is very very hard to play without a walkthrough. Masterpiece my ass....Sairen claims to be just as good as "Silent Hill" but i'd rather watch Silent Hill adaption anyday over this crap.

Im not the one who stabbed the captain with a pickle!

